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i need a new mobile

Blackberry are best suited for business use IMO I have two one for site and a torch for rest of time so it doesn't get smashed to bits climbing on scaffolds. The email function is great just enter your address and pass and its set up good to go. One really strong point is the ability to seamlessly switch phones. If for instance I lost or had my phone stolen I can go to blackberry protect web site, shut down, lock the phone and wipe all data from it remotely. I can even find where the phone is to inform whoever needs to know. When you get another BB phone u can just login to your blackberry account with it and it restores all your settings, apps, contacts etc onto the new phone and your good to go as if you never lost it.

I agree Iphones are the hardest to get a deal on. Even when your out of contract with them the iphone paygo tarrifs aren't up to much. I hear a lot of good things about HTC desire and other androids. Depend what you use you phone for most I guess. Generally though Nokia for Camera, Iphones for apps, Blackberry security and business is usually how I see it.
I've had a htc desire, and now on the iPhone 4. To be honest, certain features on the iPhone are great, camera isn't too bad too. But to be honest the htc desire was an awesome phone and im sad I sold it. Multiple screens, widgets the lot. And was very thin and comfortable in your hand. If I'm using my iPhone out of it's case I've come close so many times to dropping the thing and I'd cry if I did that given the front and back are glass.,
If your concerned about battery life, htc batteries can be calibrated by using a method involving charging fully, disconnecting, turning off, charging fully, turning back on and charging again. Did wonders for mine anyway.
Only downsides to the iPhone, is the ridiculous monthly tariffs charged. But then again they can do that as after they know people will pay that purely for the fact they can own the latest iPhone..I've had a blackberry too, but browsing isn't brilliant on those...

Hope that helps a bit

I was a heavy blackberry user, had one since 2005, currently got a storm, but none is as close to the iPhone 4.

I was against the iPhone for a long time, the price were too ridiculous for me to justify having one. This was until I saw the 3 offer, unlimited web access for just £35 per month. Now that I a great deal and the phone is fantastic!
