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I need help


3 Sep 2014
I am looking for a simple plant to grow I have heard that Devils Ivy (Pothos, Epipremnum Aureum) is a good starter where can I get this in the UK Wales to be precise.
Hi all,
Devils Ivy (Pothos, Epipremnum Aureum) is a good starter where can I get this in the UK Wales to be precise
You mean as an emersed plant? it works well.

You should be able to buy it as a house-plant from Homebase/B&Q etc. It will probably be labelled as "Foliage plant" or something equally descriptive. It is the plant on the right on this page, 2nd thumb-nail image <"Indoor plants for water purification">.

I could send you some cuttings (it produces aerial roots and will root in water etc.) but they would cost £4 to post, so it would probably be cheaper to buy a plant.

PM with your address if you want the cuttings.

cheers Darrel