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If you were me....


30 Jun 2020
Stockport, Greater Manchester
SO if you were me, in this position, what would you do right now. what would you change? Add? Cull.

I have been a bit busy of late with some major DIY projects at the ranch and my tank has just survived with top ups and fortnightly water changes for about 8 weeks now, i need a big trim and i also need to get the to the bottom of the melt issues on my RK Mini, the RKM is getting worse and worse and also leggy.


Skimmer was not even skimming....



This was 1st Jan 24

Looks like you've already done it. I'd have perhaps added more of a shape to the cut stems and taken a little more off. But as for the pinholes in the leaves, could be potassium deficiency. The stems are fast growing and will sequester nutrients more efficiently than slower growing plants like anubias and buces or instance, which perhaps are happier with higher K conc.
Nope. The trimmed pics are from July 2023 and Jan 2024.
Right now it looks like the first photo.
Had been dosing potassium for about a month, Seachem.
I also spot those liquid carbon for a period of time which made things deteriorate.
Do you think they can be covered as they are or should I rip out and replace?
Okay, that wasn't made clear. Take a look at this and then maybe you'll get the help you need. Also moved your thread to "Plant Help".
Hmmm. Not sure we’re on the same page.

I’m asking about options and opinions of others on what to do, how much to trim, what to trim. Just a general discussion! Not targeted at plant health.

My post also clearly stated above the photo it was taken in Jan.
Nope. The trimmed pics are from July 2023 and Jan 2024.
Right now it looks like the first photo.
Had been dosing potassium for about a month, Seachem.
I also spot those liquid carbon for a period of time which made things deteriorate.
Do you think they can be covered as they are or should I rip out and replace?
Just trim everything down replant all the tops and your good. Too much excel damages leafs I've seen that on buces also it will recover just give them time to recover. Leggy plants growth is probably from over shading(?).
I’m asking about options and opinions of others on what to do, how much to trim, what to trim. Just a general discussion! Not targeted at plant health.
Hard to differentiate when you just throw things out there without context and details...

My post also clearly stated above the photo it was taken in Jan.
No need to go "clearly stated" on a fellow member - in case of misunderstandings the cordial thing to reply would be, "sorry I didn't make myself clear" and explain because thats usually what is called for ;)

Now to your questions: Well, you have a great tank! Great job man! not much to do if it would be me, except being proud! Now, my only concern is really the red stems at the front (is that Rotala macrandra Kochi ? I am too lazy trying to decipher made up 2-3 letter abbreviations .... ) - I would trim them down... or just move them out of the way... they seem misplaced anyway. The holes could be potassium deficiency as Tim points out or it could be numerous other deficiencies or interactions. We simply do not know. Unless its predatorial damage from snails for instance - a slight deficiency of potassium is a fair but wildly uncertain bet though.

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Hard to differentiate when you just throw things out there without context and details...

No need to go "clearly stated" on a fellow member - in case of misunderstandings the cordial thing to reply would be, "sorry I didn't make myself clear" and explain because thats usually what is called for ;)

Now to your questions: Well, you have a great tank! Great job man! not much to do if it would be me, except being proud! Now, my only concern is really the red stems at the front (is that Rotala macrandra Kochi ? I am too lazy trying to decipher made up 2-3 letter abbreviations .... ) - I would trim them down... or just move them out of the way... they seem misplaced anyway. The holes could be potassium deficiency as Tim points out or it could be numerous other deficiencies or interactions. We simply do not know. Unless its predatorial damage from snails for instance - a slight deficiency of potassium is a fair but wildly uncertain bet though.

Hi Mate,
Quite right, it was very late and i think i had just woken up, i didnt mean to come over obnoxious or an blahblahblahblah.

I will have a big trim tomorrow and clear out any dead.

The plan for the RK Mini was this...


To follow the shape of the scape up the higher center part to barrier the rocks but its just overgrowen haha
Not targeted at plant health.

Forgive my bluntness, but if you post images of plants with poor health and receive advice on plant health. Then be grateful and except the advice with a thank you.
There’s a wealth of knowledge on this forum that’s free to access and happily shared.