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Inline diffusers??


10 Feb 2010
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Hi All,

Have been ready alot on the forum about the inline diffusers and they seem to be creating quite a stir for the quality of mist and distribution etc..... I am now thinking of getting one myself but have really no idea of what I should be looking out for. Can anyone point me and the others that maybe looking at getting one in the right direction with some advice, recommedations and pics :?:

Cheers Ben :thumbup:
I've got the boyou diffuser, some don't like it, but mine gives off micro bubbles which are reaching every part of the tank. I'm quite stunned actually at how effective they are.

check out fleabay.
saintly said:
I've got the boyou diffuser, some don't like it, but mine gives off micro bubbles which are reaching every part of the tank. I'm quite stunned actually at how effective they are.
check out fleabay.
It works also, but if you think that gives off micro bubbles you should try the UP Atomizer that Steve posted, unless I received a bad Boyou. I would vote for the UP Atomizer, spray bar or lilly pipe should work fine as long the flow from it is good all round the tank.
LondonDragon said:
It works also, but if you think that gives off micro bubbles you should try the UP Atomizer that Steve posted, unless I received a bad Boyou

not sure mate. I do remember the other thread re. this subject and thought...i've bought the wrong one! but this copy i have is real micro. any smaller, you wouldn't see them 😀

consider me, truly blown away!
The UP atomizer seems to be the product that everyones going for and at a good price. I was thinking of having the atomizer at one end the the tank with a lily pipe and a normal glass difuser and the other end. Whats your thoughts on that? or is it pointless? I have a fluval G3 at I'm dissappointed with the flow rate :thumbdown: so want to make sure the co2 gets all around the tank until I get a new external filter.
LondonDragon said:
saintly said:
I've got the boyou diffuser, some don't like it, but mine gives off micro bubbles which are reaching every part of the tank. I'm quite stunned actually at how effective they are.
check out fleabay.
It works also, but if you think that gives off micro bubbles you should try the UP Atomizer that Steve posted, unless I received a bad Boyou. I would vote for the UP Atomizer, spray bar or lilly pipe should work fine as long the flow from it is good all round the tank.
My money is on your regulator being under pressure for the Boyu diffuser. Crank it up a bit and watch the magic :thumbup:
LondonDragon said:
You could always had a Koralia pump above the glass diffuser!!

Already got a Koralia above the glass diffuser but I still see little if any bubbles at all on the opposite side to the tank, and there's a noticable difference in growth in the HC nearest the co2 diffuser (nice and thick and carpeting well) where as the HC at the other end of the tank is growing, but not as good.
I am a recent convert to UP diffusers but have used many many boyu diffusers over the last couple of years with good success I should add. IMHO the UP diffuser is far superior to the boyu diffuser, the UP diffuser is a different class altogether, way way better, if you think the boyu diffuser is giving you good mist effect you will be blown away by the UP, easily the best diffuser on the market IMHO, pity its a bit expensive for what it is but definitely worth the price. As already pointed out you do need good flow as well to blow the bubbles around the tank for best effect. On a 100 litre tank that I have running right now I am using the UP diffuser plumbed into a Tetratec EX1200 with a lily pipe as the output and recently just added a 900l Koralia nano and this works well for that tank (and that layout, no tall stems getting blown around etc) plants are pearling everynight.

btw I found that ebayer linked very slow for shipping, he shipped quickly so not entirely his fault, maybe its his local postal service at fault but it took nearly 3 weeks for my diffuser to arrive which is a very long time from Asia so maybe try the other eabayer Advance Aquarium Store to see if they ship any quicker, only a few pence in price difference, dearer of course but worth it if it arrives quicker for you :thumbup:
Have to agree the up is fantastic
you do have to make sure your reg can output a god pressure 1.7 bar at least
had to give up on mine as couldn't change the output
but v good
I reckon you could get away using less flow when you use these because these things are so effective, the mist produced by the diffuser is so fine that it easily gets blown around the tank, the bubbles produced from my boyu diffusers usually head straight for the surface once out of the range of immeadiate flow, not so with these, the micro bubbles are suspended for ages floating all over the tank.
I Think I'm pretty much set now I'll be ordering an up inline diffuser tomorrow. I will see how it goes with my external filter and have the koralia to add the extra flow if needs be.

Cheers for the help guys!

Just ordered a UP One,Thans for the advice. Now for it to arive fro HK....Should take a while cause of the volcano...but who cares i work at the airport in aberdeen and i have lots of time off!
Is the UP diffuser passive/non-powered then? Not particularly expensive and if it reduces the amount of CO2 needed due to efficiency it would save money long term.