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I've got massive wood!

Nice video - Would be cool to see a really massive bio-tope in a public aquarium. I've seen some six foot long pike while diving and they look awsome, perch are also really quite pretty - like oversized Tiger Barbs. Looking foreward to the article, Tom
Brilliant Idea George you have inspired me :clap:

Just out of curiosity what are the potential legal issues of collecting wild hardscape, just that i am off to Criccieth in North Wales (just outside Snowdonia national park on the coast) on the 4th Sept for 2 weeks and would love to bring back some wood and stones if i can find suitable ones?

Good question, Simon.

I have enquired but it seems there's little definitive guide.

I know collecting live aquatic plants is a no-no, unless you ask the land-owners permission. Even public land you need to seek permission. I have a link somewhere that I'll post if you're interested.

I think it's a case of common sense i.e. don't get greedy and collect too much stuff so it affects the natural habitat.
Thanks for the quick reply. If you can post that link it will be very much appreciated, obviously i dont want to be collecting materials inside the national park 😳 but was thinking more of the surrounding rivers, and the coast.
