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Iwagumi with Manten

View attachment 89082
View attachment 89083

Hello folks, just home and received 15kg stones from AE, I'm pretty happy with the selection offered and price paid. Sorry about photos, I took them in a rush so I can get some food. 2 litre Milk carton there for perspective. The dark grey piece is especially likeable and will definitely be in my iwagumi attempt. If anyone wants more pics and or sizes let me know.

The rocks themselves have arrived in good condition, some of them still carrying what loos like moss growth and look full of character with plenty of deep lined cracks and jagged edge not sharp however. There is a fair amount of bronzed colouring and the stones themselves are dense and pretty heavy. I am confident I'll be able to use them aesthetically speaking. Certainly much easier on the wallet than some other stores.

I just hope now the AE claim they are inert is true as they are destined to share a tank with CRS.🙂
Yes as long as stones don't leech and affect water parameters I'm more than happy.

Those look good, looking forward to seeing the hardscape develop 🙂
I am hoping soon Manisha, I've a nano planted blue velvet shrimp tank to catch up with maintenance first. Then once that's done I'll indulge my first real scape attempt. 🙂