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Jar / fish bowl aquascape heating


12 Feb 2013
What's the lowest temp I'll get away with in a no filter aquascape with shrimp?

I have sat a flower vase of water where the scaped jar/bowl will sit in my house and monitored temps for a few days. The measurements range from 22 to 18 degrees, but are fairly constantly around 20deg (my house isn't that warm in the winter) with a definite dip to 18 first measurement in the morning.

Will this be warm enough for the plants and maybe a few shrimp?
Im more worried that you wont be able to control you water parameters than how you heat it. A flower vase of water should be for flowers or your plant scape not for anything else imo
I have a small tank at work which is unheated overnight, and the neo/cherry shrimp in it have been fine - varies between about 15 and 20 degrees. They are less active in my experience at lower temps. Plants are fine.
Thanks, that's really useful. My heating is set to 16 overnight, but hasn't come on recently. However, yo know that I'm good to 15 is very helpful.
I’m sure I saw that @shangman has kept overspill shrimp outside, but I think that might be mostly in the summer?
Yes I have some "cull" shrimps outside in my waterlily pot, I looked a few days ago and saw 3 eating in there at the bottom, and they aren't very colourful so it's easy for more of them be in there hidden. They don't sell to move about as much in the winter so far, but in the Autumn I netted some out again and there were berried ones so they seem ok. This winter hasn't been very cold though, no snow where I am or anything, they might die in that situation.

I keep my nicer cherries, crystals and rice fish in a tank inside which is also unheated and they're all doing well. Doesn't seem to get lower than 19, maybe 18. My plants grow well too.
Thanks for the replies, puts my mind at ease and makes the little add on vase (about 10L net) a much easier option.

I keep my nicer cherries, crystals and rice fish in a tank inside which is also unheated and they're all doing well. Doesn't seem to get lower than 19, maybe 18. My plants grow well too.
Do you keep your central heating on?
Thanks for the replies, puts my mind at ease and makes the little add on vase (about 10L net) a much easier option.

I think you shouldn't think about keeping shrimp in this vase until your plants are growing very well and making an actual habitat, and even then you shouldn't be going for many at that size. It's very small, and filters are really helpful.

Do you keep your central heating on?
No, heat is on a timer for a few hours in morning and evening. I live in South London though and I think generally London is a bit warmer.
I think temp swings are the biggest problem with small water volumes. The shrimps can, like advised above, take surprisingly cool temperatures and arguably do better in unheated tanks in our climate but large daily swings are more problematic. In the average house I don't think you'd have a problem but establishing the plants before hand and limiting the numbers as shangman suggests, is good advice.
I think you shouldn't think about keeping shrimp in this vase until your plants are growing very well and making an actual habitat, and even then you shouldn't be going for many at that size. It's very small, and filters are really helpful.

Noted on the established tank/vessel point, was planning on a handful at most maybe at the 2 month point
Im more worried that you wont be able to control you water parameters than how you heat it. A flower vase of water should be for flowers or your plant scape not for anything else imo
I get what you are saying, but I have now seen half a dozen of these being showcased on Youtube through content creators. I could link quiet a few from the site alone, but they are easy enough to find.

This one is by far the best I've seen and I can achieve it with a few cuttings and left overs, bar the jar and light in the first place.

The vase, as indicated in my earlier post, was in reference to something I had to hand, that was made of glass, was a decent water volume and that I could test the temperature swing on.

My plan is to use either a fish bowl or more likely a glass jar of around 10-12 litres water volume. No different to a small nano tank.