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Jay's new 'scape 120cm

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22 Apr 2008
Harrow, Middlesex
Well my last scape went a bit pear shaped so I rooted out the stems, got more moss and anubias and went mad with the re-scape.
I've got a ton of stag horn algae because of FE ran out and i've been too busy to get a new one.
Its still in its initial stages... need more plants, tweaking of the hardscape and a good constant regime.
Also a higher turnover is needed I think. Probably go for a Superfish pro 4 external and maybe an extra power head.
I'm not going to give a full tank shot as I'm planning for this to go into the IAPLC Contest this year.
(YES, I'm a confident boy 😛 )
More obscure, close up shots to come.

Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

Looking good so far 😉 looks like there is some algae there too 😉 you will need to kill it.
Keep us posted
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

Nice one mate, looking good!
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

That will look really nice once you've got rid of the algae. I love the scape!

The only thing that strikes me, is that you have two species of shoaling fish - I think it would look better with just the one species. Either the black neons or the red ones (are they ember tetras?). I think both fish go well with it. If it were me, I'd choose the red ones, but the black neons would still look great.
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

hellohefalump said:
The only thing that strikes me, is that you have two species of shoaling fish - I think it would look better with just the one species. Either the black neons or the red ones (are they ember tetras?). I think both fish go well with it. If it were me, I'd choose the red ones, but the black neons would still look great.

I think there's actually 3 species isn't there? I can see some rummynose's near the bottom too. I agree it would look better with a single species however 🙂
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

erm, 4 species? lemon tetras bottom left 😛
although it does look nice 🙂
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

Looks great m8, apart from the small amount of algae, but i'm sure you'll get on top of that. 😉

And hold on.......no, 4 species it is. :lol:
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

:lol: 4 species of tetra lads. rummynose, black neons, diamond and embers.
For any "special" shots, I'll use just one species. But I'm a fish keeper at heart and love a collection of my fave fish.

Before I got the embers, I had just diamond and black neons, they looked brilliant together.
Then the rummynose put things put of whack but they had to go in from another tank for a bit.

I love the new embers but they just don't look right with the other fish.

LondonDragon said:
Looking good so far 😉 looks like there is some algae there too 😉 you will need to kill it.
Keep us posted

I know 😳 Just from neglect really. I'm getting on top of it now.
Thinking of losing the microsorum too. Just more bolbitis and anubias..... choices choices.
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

I wouldn't loose the Ferns. Anubias tends to be very dominating.
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

As oppose to big green spears of microsorum sticking out? :? :lol:
I'm going to be using anubias petite and mostly bolbitis.... my favourite of all plants.
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

Me too!!! Lovely plant, in the right setting. Just look at saintly's tank, a real showcase for microsorum, I just don't think it helps the scale in my tank. I'm looking to use smaller leaved plants to make it seem larger than it is.
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

I would say Microsorum leaves are smaller than Anubias leaves but that's just me 😉 I'm sure it'll work out just fine
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

Hope so.... Or i'll be up a certain creek without a paddle 🙂
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

Just got a new FE so bye bye staghorn!!
Nice and slow injection overnight, then I'll crank it right up .
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

Can you spot the new rock?
(Hint: Its the massive clean one at the front)

I love the rummynose tetras, but they need to go. they don't like the brightness of the sand anyway.
They're faces look all washed out.
Not sure I actually like the HC dotted about, I may change it up all for moss balls.

Cheers guys.
Re: Jay's "The Fobidden Land" ADA entry teaser.

Staghorn has all bt gone. A couple of tiny little stragglers left on a couple of leaves. But that's what scissors are for.

I need to add some height to the back of the scape, but then that probably means I'll have to use stems, which I didn't really want to do.
No valis either, too fast.