Well my last scape went a bit pear shaped so I rooted out the stems, got more moss and anubias and went mad with the re-scape.
I've got a ton of stag horn algae because of FE ran out and i've been too busy to get a new one.
Its still in its initial stages... need more plants, tweaking of the hardscape and a good constant regime.
Also a higher turnover is needed I think. Probably go for a Superfish pro 4 external and maybe an extra power head.
I'm not going to give a full tank shot as I'm planning for this to go into the IAPLC Contest this year.
(YES, I'm a confident boy 😛 )
More obscure, close up shots to come.
I've got a ton of stag horn algae because of FE ran out and i've been too busy to get a new one.
Its still in its initial stages... need more plants, tweaking of the hardscape and a good constant regime.
Also a higher turnover is needed I think. Probably go for a Superfish pro 4 external and maybe an extra power head.
I'm not going to give a full tank shot as I'm planning for this to go into the IAPLC Contest this year.
(YES, I'm a confident boy 😛 )
More obscure, close up shots to come.