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Jet-lift (High Performance airlift)


23 Jan 2014
Here's a little tutorial I made, well actually there are three short videos of the high performance airlift or jet-lift I've been experimenting with. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to comment or mail me.

Thanks Allan. I've continued to work on the basic formula and I'll have a few more versions to show shortly. They're so versatile and shift amazing amounts of water with so small an input. I cleaned one of the sponges today for the first time and was amazed at the amount of dirt that was in it. I'm trying to make them a little less obtrusive too so they can be tucked away behind a piece of slate or something. I'm just waiting on materials at the moment.
Getting hold of the various bits required is the difficult bit living in the Isle of Lewis but I've now sourced most of what I need via ebay and a couple of other sources. Even the apparently simple bits like right angle elbows in black are proving difficult at a sensible price. I may just have to use the white ones and tone them down a bit with something. 🙂