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journey into the shallow forest

Nice layout
Seriously need a beter filter. 24 hours and water still hasnt cleared. Will get a canister filter and some purigen.

1 bbps co2 and my dropchecker turns yellow
I love the tank dimensions. I have similar but 40cm deep and i have a lid too so nice to see an open top. That wood is great!
Looks great, I've pondered using lots of bogwood 'knees' like that before, nice to see someone doing it.

Just watch out for algae early on, you've probably got three times as much light as I had on the Bucket (I had one Kessil higher up).

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Im not the biggest fan of seachem clarity. I would rather use carbon and purigen
Bad experience?
Just didnt work for me clouds up the water for half a day and thats it. I dont know. But will get better filtration anyway
Now that's got depth :woot:

What fish are going to be lucky enough to call this home?
Thanx. I actually dont know. Galaxy rosboras maybe or some yellow blue eye rainbows
I've had both. Really fun fish.

The rainbows must be related to Evel Knievel - they can't stop jumping over the edge and onto the floor :sick:
Yeah I tried I cant get the kessils higher with the gooseneck just running my lights for 5hours a day at the moment hope it helps
Did my first 50% waterchange today. Water is much clearer now. Alot less tannins (for a day probably
Its in a spare room. Tank will be moved next month onto a cabinet in dining room
Plants is starting to grow. Everything has new leafs. Groundcover is shooting out runners everywhere. No algae so far running lights only at 5hours a day
Loving my tank. Did change the rocks but it's still the same scape. Just nicer rocks. Will update when its grown in more and when I got weeping moss and more needle leaf ferns which is impossible to find!