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Julia's tank 40L - 3rd layout - Anubias Garden

Definitely prefer the latest picture. The slightly more yellow tinge compliments the greens nicely, and provides a pleasing transition into the various shades of red.

Lovely 'scape 🙂
Here is the photo from the last photo-shoot (2 weeks ago) but with top. I cut off the top on the previous images because I missed the fact the cover has some uglyness at the left. I must remember to avoid fill the water up to the cover. :-/

15210312052_3a9322df75_c.jpgDSC01367 by bialix1, on Flickr

Today I had "a-ha" moment. This is utterly overgrown tank. It seems I've missed that point when it was the right for photo. But I can't see it often enough, it's in the other part of my city.

Look at this transformations:

11409776525_56abb5d552.jpg100_5565 by bialix1, on Flickr - Too bare

13674371233_771fe70427.jpgIMG_0085 by bialix1, on Flickr - About to be right

14131235740_da87ccefc2.jpgIMG_0905 by bialix1, on Flickr - A little bit overgrown but okay

14216429407_159d4fbe1e.jpgIMG_1071 by bialix1, on Flickr - trimmed and again about to be right

15210312052_3a9322df75.jpgDSC01367 by bialix1, on Flickr - overgrown again, but very cute when you see it live.

I think it needs a big trim. Very big trim. What do you think?
Thank you, Troi. You managed to make so much compliments to this tank in only one sentence, I'll re-tell that to Julia.
The needle java (i think that's it) really gives the tank motion and character. Beautiful in every way.
Thanks Dantrasy. I'm not sure what is the scientific name for needle java fern, but I've used sp. that called here in Ukraine as "narrow" java fern.
I also have in another tank sp. "Taiwan" which is even more narrow than that.
Photo with regular light.

15042122776_bfa013cdf7_c.jpgDSC01366 by bialix1, on Flickr

Sent this photo to GAPLC contest. Honestly, I'm not very satisfied with result (169/201 in standard category). But I understand the tank not in the best condition for contest. It's definitely overgrown. Also got the last rank (3/3 place) in ukrainian "tank of the month" contest on aquaforum.ua.
If I were crazy about reaching the top then such low results may affect me. Glad, I'm not.
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Hi Alexander, Congratulation on you ranking :clap: " If I were crazy about reaching the top then such low results may affect me. Glad, I'm not"
We do it for the pure enjoyment we get out of our hobby and doing the best we can. Plus there's always next year 😉 I found the most stressful bit😱 Was taking the photos i must of taken a few hundred if not more :banghead: :lol:
Thanks, Roy. Yep, the photo shot is the hardest part 🙂 No, wait, it's easy. Just shoot. But then you have to select something good for application. That's the hardest part 🙂
11 months. Totally overgrown.

This friday we discussed with Julia what to do with this tank. It's totally overgrown now. One can hardly imagine this tank has a nice piece of wood somewhere there, under the plant mass.
Just 2 pictures, so you can compare:

11 months ago:
10802554695_78976f71c0_c.jpg100_5547 by bialix1, on Flickr

15514565721_4a0fa2dcbd_c.jpgIMG_1671 by bialix1, on Flickr

So, we decided to go to square one and rework the layout with less plants. But, today I found incredible piece of wood on local pet bazaar (do you have pet bazaars in UK? Something like flea market but about pets?). I want to use this new wood, I love it. Also, I'd like to make something blackwater-ish, biotop-ish, but I suspect anyway in the end I will end up with something more plant-ish, as usual.

15517909325_93a343f005_c.jpgIMG_1723 by bialix1, on Flickr
Thanks Roy,
I love these small tiny roots, all over the wood. Hope they will last for several months, at least. Have no idea what the kind of the wood it is though. My guess it's willow.

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