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Just a bit of daft!


Global Moderator
27 Jul 2011
Co. Durham
obviously on the forum, a post count relates to your fish count and nominated plant growing pseudonym....a reflection hopefully of your gained knowledge through site interaction. I feel slightly embarrassed now being labelled a 'Glosso carpet guru' as ive never even attempted to grow it, and im sure i would currently fail :shh: However, i have been relatively successful with some plants and therefore i think a more appropriate pseudonym for me would be 'Microsorum master' or 'Crypt Kid' :lol:
Obviously we dont get to choose, but what would your pseudonym be and why?
As a side to those up above in the know, why is there more than one pseudonym for 5 fishy's; 'glosso carpet guru' and 'Nesaea ninja'? is it just to keep things interesting as the percentages of people getting here will increase over time? or is there more than one pseudonym for all the post counts that ive missed?
easerthegeezer said:
+1 for microsorum master :lol: and my only attempt at glosso was an epic fail!

Ill go BBA Blaster or should that be master. :D
:lol: , maybe i should have suggested 'Staghorn supremo'! ....or 'C0s2upid'!
I reckon mine could be Staurogyne Soldier as I reckon I might have cracked it now. Or Cryptocoryne King as I have more of those than anything else in the tank. Maybe Techno Tradie as Im always swapping out my equipment ?

( :oops: And I am sure that others might come up with alternatives as I do sometimes forget to engage my brain before opening my mouth, but I'm a nice guy really. Just get a little, erm, excitable sometimes. )

This is a good thread though Ady as it makes us all think of our achievements, and most of those achievements can be put down to the helpful and friendly advice and knowledge that everyone imparts on here, so THANKS :thumbup: to all who have helped me become any of the names above ;)

One thing's for sure though, I sure as hell ain't no "Nesaea ninja" yet either, LOL.

I reckon there should be a few extra levels... Mark would be on something like "Disciple" level, but who would be God ? Takashi Amano, lol :?
Not sure. My post count to join date ratio is slightly off lol.
Ah Johnski, a fellow Co.Durhamer, where you based?
Maybe with your post count to join date ratio you could be the 'slow grower' or 'stealth like stem soldier'.
Quality not quantity, are you an ever present hiding behind the scenes taking it all in or have you had a break from it?
Ady34 said:
Ah Johnski, a fellow Co.Durhamer, where you based?
Maybe with your post count to join date ratio you could be the 'slow grower' or 'stealth like stem soldier'.
Quality not quantity, are you an ever present hiding behind the scenes taking it all in or have you had a break from it?

Eyy, never noticed that. I'm from Consett way, you? I'm definitely more of a lurker than anything lol. Fish keeping wise I've never stopped, but I've just came back to the "Green Side" recently after a few year break.
johnski said:
Ady34 said:
Ah Johnski, a fellow Co.Durhamer, where you based?
Maybe with your post count to join date ratio you could be the 'slow grower' or 'stealth like stem soldier'.
Quality not quantity, are you an ever present hiding behind the scenes taking it all in or have you had a break from it?

Eyy, never noticed that. I'm from Consett way, you? I'm definitely more of a lurker than anything lol. Fish keeping wise I've never stopped, but I've just came back to the "Green Side" recently after a few year break.
Newton Aycliffe, near Darlington.
Whitey's from Richmond so were growing in numbers!

Whitey89 said:
Ady, bit off topic. But where do you get your Co2 refills?

Foxs gas in newton aycliffe?
Yeah, Fox Gas. £15 a 2kg refill, can probably get cheaper somewhere, but its right on the doorstep so very convenient :thumbup:
Ha yeah I thought so, I took 3x 500g jbl canisters up to him today. Dropping them off in Richmond for me tomorrow so cant complain.

What reg do you have? Does the JBL m001 fit a standard canister that they lease out there?
Whitey89 said:
Ha yeah I thought so, I took 3x 500g jbl canisters up to him today. Dropping them off in Richmond for me tomorrow so cant complain.

What reg do you have? Does the JBL m001 fit a standard canister that they lease out there?
No, cant complain...he's just recently got his own c02 system so its a much faster turnaround and delivering them for you too, bonus!
Not sure about the JBL, ive got an aqua medic and i dont know about their canisters (got mine from TGM), although im sure theyre all the same fittings, im gonna ask him about leasing another next time so i can minimise downtime when one runs out....maybe even get one to add pressurised to the nano with a one of those regulator and solenoid combos from one of the forum sponsors (aqua essentials i think).