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Keeping nerite alive?


3 Jan 2014
My Co2 softwater tank is killing my nerite snail. His shell is eroding.

I remember reading something once about repairing the shell with nail varnish??

Is there anything I can do to stop/ reverse the shell erosion?
Tried that many times, he doesn't go near it. Or kale, or spinach.

Think I'm going to use an old empty unfiltered bowl, and move him into there with some hard tap water.

Can their shells actually grow back?
Unfortunately their shells won't grow back they way it was. Hard Water will benefit their shell and stop it getting worse though. Maybe you can try some crushed coral or oyster shells to help with getting the water harder. But I image you keep softwater fish.
Will it be ok in a tank with no filtration, and no water movement?
In terms of filtration, maybe... if you can do regular water changes, although if you have enough plants it will help. They are poo machines so ideally filtration should be used. If you can get a cheap sponge filter running, it will provide water movement and filtration. It need not cost a fortune to make one:

Haha! Great vid!
Thanks for the quick advice Michael. I think I will flood my Wabi Kusa bowl, and move the snail in to there after Christmas. Hopefully he will perk up a bit then.

There are loads of plants in there, and I will try to do several water changes per week.

Just hope he can hold out until Boxing Day...
Snails and softwater do not mix well. I have Ramshorns in softwater and they are struggling. I have had Nertites in there too and faced the same issue you have. I moved them to harder water and they have done better.

I do keep Ramshorns in a Wabi-Kusa cube with no water movement. There is no filter but they do have some spider plants rooted into them. They are doing really well but they are in hard water. I suspect a nertie would be ok in similar conditions.
Snails and softwater do not mix well. ........They are doing really well but they are in hard water. I suspect a nertie would be ok in similar conditions.
When you mention "hard" water, what pH are you looking at?
My current tank has a pH of 7.5 but then drops down to approx 6.3 after Co2. I am thinking of getting Nertie snails ( a couple) for my tank.

Thanks n Cheers
When you mention "hard" water, what pH are you looking at?
My current tank has a pH of 7.5 but then drops down to approx 6.3 after Co2. I am thinking of getting Nertie snails ( a couple) for my tank.

Thanks n Cheers

It's been a long time since I have tested the pH but my hard (gH about 18) tap water tends to be about 7.5-7.8.

The pH in my tank (gH about 6) tends to be below 7.

Now I cannot be sure if it is the actual acidity of the water in my tank or the lack of minerals (or both) that affects the shells. Someone like Darrel may be able to advise more accurately.

From personal experience, I would now never keep nerite snails in a tank with pH less than 7. They come from brackish water, which is obviously very hard. So they really need alkaline, hard water.

Go for ottos instead.
Hi all,
It's been a long time since I have tested the pH but my hard (gH about 18) tap water tends to be about 7.5-7.8. The pH in my tank (gH about 6) tends to be below 7. Now I cannot be sure if it is the actual acidity of the water in my tank or the lack of minerals (or both) that affects the shells.
I think the answer is both, but a more complete answer is in this thread (from earlier in the year) <"Nerite Snails in high tech">.

cheers Darrel