Hi everyone 🙂
After spending lots of time on this forum and gathering information about planted tanks i've dicided to do my first journal.
Set up
Tank-Juwel rio 180
Lighting- Juwel T5 Highlight (2x45W)
Substrate-Tesco cat litter
Co2 system-Pressurised
Filtration-Fluval 4 plus(internal)+2 hydor karolia2 for water circulation
Ferts-EI method
Water change-50% weekly
Pogostemon stellata
Pogostemon helferi
Blyxa japonica
Staurogyne sp.
Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Weeping moss
X-mas moss
Round pelia
Riccardia graeffei
30 cardinal tetra,3 ottos,3ancistrus,3 pygmy corrys and 10 malaysian trupet snails
Thats how tank looked 1 hour after i filled it with water

Next morning

And 1 week later

After spending lots of time on this forum and gathering information about planted tanks i've dicided to do my first journal.
Set up
Tank-Juwel rio 180
Lighting- Juwel T5 Highlight (2x45W)
Substrate-Tesco cat litter
Co2 system-Pressurised
Filtration-Fluval 4 plus(internal)+2 hydor karolia2 for water circulation
Ferts-EI method
Water change-50% weekly
Pogostemon stellata
Pogostemon helferi
Blyxa japonica
Staurogyne sp.
Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Weeping moss
X-mas moss
Round pelia
Riccardia graeffei
30 cardinal tetra,3 ottos,3ancistrus,3 pygmy corrys and 10 malaysian trupet snails
Thats how tank looked 1 hour after i filled it with water

Next morning

And 1 week later