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Led lighting

How long is a piece of string! Depends on how high above the water & how long they are on for?
Generally speaking, the less light you can get away with the better...it is C02 that grows plants so match your lights to the amount of gas you are pumping in the tank.
Out of interest, how did you come about that choice ? Just thinking because TMC do a led tile called the TMC mini 500 LED which has 4 whites and one blue. You can have just the white, just the blue or all of them on at the same time. Would be an ideal setup for a 65L tank requiring low to medium light or you could get two if you wanted higher light levels. I reckon by the time you go down the DIY route and start adding drivers etc you could get those two tiles for the same sort of price. Course a TMC controller will up the price a bit but it all depends on your budget.
Was thinking of replacing the light in the lid so it looks stranded.
I came by the choice my some think I saw on the net, but I can’t fine the link to it.
Just had a look at TMC mini 500 LED. That looks better Thank you and the price don't look to bad
Ive done loads of reading up on DIY LED for my reef tank and I've got all the bits to do it and nine times out of ten its actually cheaper to buy and off the shelf unit when it comes to LEDs the components used are not cheap and buy the time you've bought them you won't be far off shop prices then you have to go to all the effort of actually building it, just buy one
Have beem looking around and found this [US$3.17] - 3.2-3.6V DIY CREE 3W 130LM 6000-7000K Natural White Light LED Emitter : BeepBee - Cute Gadgets at Right Price - Worldwide Free Shipping. Will it be ok. If i had to do ot the same set up as the TMC mini 500 LED, But use 10 led. I can get driver and heatsink from work, so all i need is Led. The lighting will be in the lid of the tank
The link has got outher led if this one is no good.

Dont know how long can I leave the lights on. At the moment the tank lights are on for 6 hours