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Liquid co2? 100 gallon...


25 Apr 2012
Hello just looking for some advice.. setting up a 100 gallon low-medium tech tank, is liquid carbon feasible in terms of cost for this tank? Been looking at neutro liquid carbon, from calculations looks like £33 will provide around 200 days worth of dosing.
I am tempted by pressurised co2 but don't think a 2kg will fit in stand and bit weary of a pressurised canister with kids in the house!
Any advice appreciated
I'm on the same boat (200gal). Excel is just too expensive, even for your tank, let alone mine. I even considered a diy solution but it would take 2 x 30L buckets alternating every week. Long term CO2 will be cheaper but I'm concerned about having a pressurized gas tank in the house with kids
I would think co2 would be cheaper and as for the statements about a pressurised cylinder in the house they are relatively low pressure and very durable, plus fire extinguishers are found everywhere without incident.

With a long enough hose with absolute minimum joins to minimise leaks you can place the cylinder away in a cupboard else where or if your not bothered about hiding it you could also just mount straps to your stand to spot it being knocked over.

My biggest concern with kids would be access to fiddle with the regulator and potential to break bubble counters a lot not that it could be knocked over and become a missile in your home.
I have used a DIY CO2 before I went full FE setup. Personally I wise I had just done it and not wasted my money on half measures. My regulator is off eBay for £35, timer £10 and 2kg FE £8. Lasts about 3 months in my 350l tank. (With ph controller)

Works a lot better than liquid carbon, and it's one less to dose each day.

The FE just sits at the back of the cabinet. I think the chance of it going bang is very very small. More likely to just spring a small leak, I have not had a leak yet.

Also I have 3 kids, so I always make sure they are not around when I change the FE and reconnect and test it (press the leaver) outside first.

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Thank you for the replies, sorry for the very late reply . Still toying with the idea even now!
Except there is also scientific data that plant mass increased with the addition of glutaraldehyde 😉

(Linked in a previous “liquid CO2” discussion)

But it would be a significant cost in a 400 litre tank, while gas CO2 would be more efficient and likely cheaper longterm - there are many hobbyists that have reported positive effects with Seachem Excel (my local product)
:lol: I forgot about this post, and found it whilst researching again, and felt bad that people had gave advice and I hadn't thanked them.
With regards to a fire extinguisher in the house, I'm actually a gas and electric meter engineer, so install gas meters in peoples houses :lol:, but don't work with co2, so unsure of the effects of large concentration exposure. Don't suppose you know if pub co2 regulators have been used instead of aquatic branded regs? Local scrappy has a load of them, but haven't looked at the fitting on them.