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Looking for......


23 Feb 2016

A small undemanding plant for this area of my tank, can anybody give me any ideas? Its a low tech setup with ferts added daily. Ideally i don't want crypts as ive already got some in here, thanks


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Hey pricey! Some plants I suggest you may or may not like but.. Maybe an anubias? If your not into anubias, some Sagittaria sabulata. if you wanted something to thicken out and bush to the top, hygrophila siamensis 53B. I have a nice anubias Gracilis on a small lava rock and bury the rock! I have this plant towards the front of my tank on a dragon stone rock and it looks great! I'm not the best at suggesting plants but these are a few I have in my tank and they are growing in the shade good enough
Give Blyxa japonica a go. Many people will tell you it needs CO2, but I'm insistent it's a macrophyte, which I reckon will do well with your daily fert regime.