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ludwigia inclinata cuba var plant deficiency

Vivian Andrew

8 Apr 2014

can somebody identify the deficiency of my ludwigia inclinata cuba var, I'm using RO water with seachem equilibrium to re-mineralise it and doing pps-pro dosing and using 2 6500k and 1 10000k 39w T5 HO tube light, all other plants in my tank doing well only ludwigia inclinata cuba var growth is less and in the tip of the plant leaves are coming small and turning brown below is the pic.


Your three sterns at the back looks normal, its the only two at the front are turning brown. judging from the leaves shape, it's probably in submerged form for less than 2 weeks.

Pull out the the front two, I guess there is a strong possibilies the roots are roting, if so, just cut and replant.

what ferts are you using? the color is coming out, you probably needs more iron and trace.
Thanks for the quick reply, I'm using pps pro method for macro, i make 500ml solution mix and below is the detail of my mix
  • K2SO4 – 29 grams
  • KNO3 – 33 grams
  • KH2PO4 – 3 grams
  • MgSO4 – 20 grams
and i dose 5ml daily for my 200 litre tank

for trace i use seachem flourish 2ml daily.
You mean "flourish trace" daily dosing 2ml? Not "flouirhs" dosing?

If so, you are missing iron. floruisng trace has no iron, this is what I thought why yours not turing orange.
No it's seachem flourish not trace, and i got csm+b today so from tmr will dose this.