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ludwigia pantanal bottom leaves falling off


15 Jan 2012
just wanted to see if anyone here having the same issue with this plant. i am more active on TPT and i just wanted to hear from the UK members.

i am running 5wpg of PC on my 50 gallon tank, co2 is diffused by reactor and its very high. dosing NPK and traces everyday.

if you look at the picture you could see that ludwigia pantanal bottom leaves falling off

http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/attac ... 1328802335
Looks nice

I found over the years that that problem almost always caused by not enough light reaching the lower parts of the plant you could try thinning out the top to allow more light to reach the lower parts of you tank

Also could lead to stem rot if not dealt with you will find your plant stems rotting at the bottom of the stems then breaking off and floating around

You can also just push these back in place and wait till they re roots
Happi said:
...i am running 5wpg of PC on my 50 gallon tank, co2 is diffused by reactor and its very high. dosing NPK and traces everyday.

if you look at the picture you could see that ludwigia pantanal bottom leaves falling off
This is due to poor flow and subsequently, poor CO2 reaching the bottom of the tank.

sussex_cichlids said:
Looks nice

I found over the years that that problem almost always caused by not enough light reaching the lower parts of the plant you could try thinning out the top to allow more light to reach the lower parts of you tank

Also could lead to stem rot if not dealt with you will find your plant stems rotting at the bottom of the stems then breaking off and floating around

You can also just push these back in place and wait till they re roots

cant be the light, i have tried the t5ho on the same setup with same problem occurring.
ceg4048 said:
Happi said:
...i am running 5wpg of PC on my 50 gallon tank, co2 is diffused by reactor and its very high. dosing NPK and traces everyday.

if you look at the picture you could see that ludwigia pantanal bottom leaves falling off
This is due to poor flow and subsequently, poor CO2 reaching the bottom of the tank.


i want to agree with you, but the co2 is being diffused by the reactor, that mean it is being completely dissolved into the water and cannot miss any dead spot while using 2x rena xp2 filters. i do have an power head which i don't use anymore, it just make all the plant goes sideways and bring in too much flow.
hogan53 said:
Could do with some major deforestation :woot: :lol: if you don't want cut the stems down purchase a small internal pump to increase flow down too the areas affected as Clive said.
:arrow: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mini-Aquarium ... 3cb17dc118

i think i will turn on my Koralia 1 powerhead in the bacground and see what will happen, i think this time i will move it closer to the bottom instead of flowing the top area, this way flow will go through the bottom middle area through the stems.

i also thought that leaves fall off due to lack of Mg, but am not sure about it, because i am adding GH booster.

I have had this problem in the past and read that although people often think the light isn't reaching the lower leaves it is the lack of CO2 reaching the bottom that is the problem. I had lots of leaves falling off and eventually stems rotting and plants breaking off. Switched to a spray bar with better circulation to the stems and problem solved.

I agree with Ceg, for me the flow was the problem...

Hope you can sort it!

its possible that it could be a flow issue, but dont you think koralia 1 400gph, 2x rena xp2 300gph (600gph total). 900gph all together is enough flow for my 50g tank? lets go with about 750gph on flow due to co2 reactor which reduce the flow on the canister. but still that is 15 times the flow for the 50g tank.
Happi said:
its possible that it could be a flow issue, but dont you think koralia 1 400gph, 2x rena xp2 300gph (600gph total). 900gph all together is enough flow for my 50g tank? lets go with about 750gph on flow due to co2 reactor which reduce the flow on the canister. but still that is 15 times the flow for the 50g tank.

Thats were i dissagree with others and still think its a light issues
sussex_cichlids said:
Happi said:
its possible that it could be a flow issue, but dont you think koralia 1 400gph, 2x rena xp2 300gph (600gph total). 900gph all together is enough flow for my 50g tank? lets go with about 750gph on flow due to co2 reactor which reduce the flow on the canister. but still that is 15 times the flow for the 50g tank.

Thats were i dissagree with others and still think its a light issues

hmm now all the different answers will make me confuse. i don't know how people grow their good looking plants under less light such as t8 etc. so you are saying that my 2x54w t5ho isn't enough? or my 4x65w Power compact isn't enough? i have tried both and there is no difference.
there maybe enough but if the cannopy of your plants is thick like yours the light will strugle to pentrate to the lower parts of the tank

I would give the tops a bit of a trim thin back the tallest plants

Happi said:
sussex_cichlids said:
Happi said:
its possible that it could be a flow issue, but dont you think koralia 1 400gph, 2x rena xp2 300gph (600gph total). 900gph all together is enough flow for my 50g tank? lets go with about 750gph on flow due to co2 reactor which reduce the flow on the canister. but still that is 15 times the flow for the 50g tank.

Thats were i dissagree with others and still think its a light issues

hmm now all the different answers will make me confuse. i don't know how people grow their good looking plants under less light such as t8 etc. so you are saying that my 2x54w t5ho isn't enough? or my 4x65w Power compact isn't enough? i have tried both and there is no difference.

There is no difference with those lighting units as it's not a lighting issue. It is down to co2/circulation. Next thing is your stems will rot at the base and float free.

Can you explain how your flow returns to the tank, a photo of this would help unless you want to play in paint and make a pretty diagram. :D

Edit just checked out your filter ratings. 300gph is in American gallons, quite smaller than our UK gallons.

This review states around 160 US GPH from this filter. http://www.aquariumadvice.com/forums/f6 ... 21632.html

So this puts you around 320 US Gph with the 2 filters, before the reduction for the reactor, a little way off what you posted. We are just quoting numbers that have little relevance though.

Your plants look healthy enough so I wouldn't consider it a major issue. Maybe it's time to pull some of them out, prune up the tips and replant.
Also like everyone has said with it possible being a co2/flow issues a trim and a thin you will free up any dead spots and create better flow and light penetration also most plants love a little trim it will only encourage the plant to thicken out

You could try layering it so the plants have different heights would mean bit more time spent weekly trimming the fast growers and keeping the layers

But that could help
I think I have been a bit vague, when I spoke about flow I wasn't refering to how much water you are turning over, but the circulation of water getting to all areas of the tank...

that was the problem for me anyway, CO2 wasn't reaching the bottom of the stems and so the leaves fell off... it wasn't about the amount of water turning over it was about where it was going,

just added another powerhead with flow rate of 660gph. some plants seems to turn sideways with the flow. we will see if this will solve anything. at the TPT.net people have less flow than i do and they have great looking plants. and most of them said i already had enough flow.
it has been 4 days and even after adding the powerhead and increasing the co2, the problem is still there, ludwigia panantal still grows as it did before but start to curl its leaves and eventually the leaves will drop.
Well, with so much plant mass, and with 250 watts of T5 it's going to be very difficult to solve this. I would suggest that you reduce your lighting intensity to slow the demand for CO2. You can also supplement CO2 by adding Excel or equivalents.

ceg4048 said:
Well, with so much plant mass, and with 250 watts of T5 it's going to be very difficult to solve this. I would suggest that you reduce your lighting intensity to slow the demand for CO2. You can also supplement CO2 by adding Excel or equivalents.


its not 250w t5ho, its 260w of Power compact, which isnt that much light at all. if i choose to use the t5ho then i do have 2x54w but not using them. i find my fish gasp at the top as of right now. your next question will be what kind of substrate am using, i am using amazonia aquasoil.

Edit: i have done a massive trim and there arent that many plants to use that much co2 either.