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Mark's Fluval Flex 123L

I just didnt really like the initial scape. Didn't leave much room for planting towards the rear.

As for flow, ever since i replaced the Fluval dual duckbills with my custom spraybar, the plants have gone crazy. Proof in itself that flow is king.
Thats good to hear. Yeah flow has a big part in it. Looking forward to seeing the progress
3 months in, give or take. Needs a bit of a trim, the h'ra and orange juice are growing like weeds since the BGA and diatoms disappeared. Evening lighting.

Last weekend i did a re-scape, ripped the internal integrated filter system out and replaced it with a Fluval 407 canister. Gives way more room and opportunities for different layout. Think this will look better once the carpet is filled in.

View attachment 183917
Hi I've just bought the same tank, and the previous owner has also taken out the internal filter and replaced it with a cannister, this being a tetra ex 600. Have you got any pictures of your setup with the inlets and outlet pipes In the tank from the filter? Are you using a spray bar? Ive just upgraded from a biorb as I wanted to do some aquascaping so an advice would be gratefully received
My inlet and outlet hang over the back through a gap i cut out in the back right of the lid.

And yes, i am using the fluval spraybar that came with the fluval 407. Its the perfect size and works really well. Couple of pics below.
