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Miller's Dutch Tank ft. Horizontal Reactor

Wow, it’s been a while since posting. Well, a long road has come to an end. Here was my competition shot and it pulled off a 2nd place in the AGA Dutch category. My wife and ran out of time but we are pleased with the end results. We had no place to hold the extra fish and we lost points for too many. We also were too heavy handed on restricting reds and lost points there too. Still, my wife and I couldn’t be happier.
The Second Hand of Carew
View attachment 213057
Well done. It’s a stunning tank 🙂
Awesome looking tank. I think the horizontal reactor is a great idea. How do you get the CO2 into it? I've considered similar before but couldn't find anything suitable for PVC tubing.
I use an inline diffuser between the pump and pipe. I remove the ceramic portion so I have large bubbles.