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Mini M V3


15 Dec 2008
Some pics of my latest scape. I have made some minor changes in the hardscape since the pics were taken.






Needs some more plants off course.🙂
Riccia and Eleocharis acicularis will be added soon.
I'm considering changing the microsorum to anubias barteri "petité".


Tank: 36x22x26 cm
Filter: Eheim 2211
Lightning: ADA Solar Mini
Substrate: Sand
Hardscape: BorneoWild driftwood
Plants: Taxiphyllum sp. "Mini Java", Microsorum sp. "narrow", Weeping moss (will be removed)

Please comment.🙂
Love the wood, Johan.

A the moment it looks a little sparse with the empty sand. The contrast with the great wood and planting is a little harsh to my eye.

Have you considered adding some small stones or graded gravels around the wood creating pleasing transitions?
What a nice bunch of kit your working with, pure pleasure for sure. Nice start. Keep that M narrow hacked back, despite being a narrow,it can quite easily take over, dont be shy with your scissors.

I really like it 🙂 Very minimal and no fuss to it. I'd agree with George that a combination coarse grit and gravel around the base of the main hardscape would really bring the sand and the centre together.

Edit: George, not Graeme!
Love the wood, Johan.
Thank you, George!

A the moment it looks a little sparse with the empty sand. The contrast with the great wood and planting is a little harsh to my eye.
I agree, I will add riccia soon - sp. "dwarf" if i can find it. I will let it cover most of the bottom, but will still keep some bare sand in the foreground, to give some constrast.

Have you considered adding some small stones or graded gravels around the wood creating pleasing transitions?
Thanks for the suggestion. My idea was to add some stones with riccia around the driftwood (istead of weeping moss), but it could maybe look good with some stones and/or gravel too...

Great start, as you said needs more plants but thats a good start.
What a nice bunch of kit your working with, pure pleasure for sure.
It is. I really like that all the equipment is made of glass, there not even a CO tube in the tank. 😀

Nice start. Keep that M narrow hacked back, despite being a narrow,it can quite easily take over, dont be shy with your scissors.
Thank you. I'm considering changing it towards anubias barteri "petite". I think it might fit the scape better...

I really like it 🙂 Very minimal and no fuss to it. I'd agree with Graeme that a combination coarse grit and gravel around the base of the main hardscape would really bring the sand and the centre together.
SteveUK said:
I'd agree with Graeme that a combination coarse grit and gravel around the base of the main hardscape would really bring the sand and the centre together.
That was me, Steve... 🙂
George Farmer said:
SteveUK said:
I'd agree with Graeme that a combination coarse grit and gravel around the base of the main hardscape would really bring the sand and the centre together.
That was me, Steve... 🙂

Oops! Sorry George 😉 I think I've been staring at individual stems of HC for far too long today! Original post edited 🙂
Tourney said:
Looking good Johan, what sort of fish/ inverts have you in mind for this?

Well, I haven't desided anything yet, but I'm thinking of a couple of colourfull killies of some species instead of the usual schooling fishes... What do you think of that?
Hi Johan,i was looking at the ada lights you have on your setup,i couldnt justify the cost at the moment,i would try and get some more plants in as soon as possible so you dont have any algae issues,looking good ,regards john.