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"Moss Mountain"

Coming along nicely Chris, the CO2 will help things grow quicker, specially the fissidens which is very slow otherwise, you need to plant some flame moss at the back and let that grow tall 😉
I was thinking that too. A bit of height would not go amiss. Lomariopsis is another candidate for a background. The liverworts\gametpyhtes tend to be better as back ground as the lower layers are less prone to dying off when they get really deep (compared to mosses).
Hi all
LondonDragon said:
Coming along nicely Chris,
Thanks Paulo
LondonDragon said:
the CO2 will help things grow quicker, specially the fissidens which is very slow otherwise,
You're telling me. The Fissidens did virtually nothing, apart from survive, whilst it was a low light, no CO2 tank. Now it's going nuts 😀 .
LondonDragon said:
you need to plant some flame moss at the back and let that grow tall
I have a plan for the back with the help of Darren at LW 😉 .
a1Matt said:
A bit of height would not go amiss.
That's what I was hoping for by planting the Monosolenium tenerum at the back. Considering I only planted a few bits at the back, it's come a long way. Just need more height. It's getting there, but like all things in a moss tank........ just slowly :lol:
That looks amazing :thumbup:

I,m thinking of moveing my shrimps into a separate tank .
Hi all

Today is this tanks 2nd anniversary so I thought I'd better do an update 😳
A few changes since the last time. Hope you enjoy.

Some general randomness 😀










Still growing in 😀

Till the next time :thumbup:
CeeJay said:
Today is this tanks 2nd anniversary so I thought I'd better do an update
CeeJay said:
Still growing in
Wow, now thats patience.
Looks really nice, fissidens looks uber healthy and i love the mini round pelia!
Shrimp look happy too!
CeeJay said:
Till the next time
See you in another year....to the day!
Saw this tank at the weekend, the health of the plants is great, specially that mini pellia that I never manage to grow 😉 great work Chris and yes indeed patience 🙂

I have some mosses for you to complete that background 😉
LondonDragon said:
Saw this tank at the weekend, the health of the plants is great, specially that mini pellia that I never manage to grow 😉 great work Chris and yes indeed patience 🙂

I have some mosses for you to complete that background 😉

:evil: Hurumph.... Shaun and me got to go to Heritage Aquatics and waste our time trying to find "just another fish shop" and you got to see this in person. Chris... next time I say "thanks but we don't really have time as we are going to another shop en route home" just laugh at me and remind me what I missed this time round !!! As I said earlier, this is a fantastic tank. Hope I get another chance to see it in person some time before it gets changed. 🙂
The hardscape in the tank had the unfortunate movement due to the slope flattening a little, which now lost some of its original appeal, which is a shame really but messy to correct now, next time you need to use plastic in the substrate to prevent that from happening, it can still be corrected to an extent if you are brave enough 😉 most of the mosses I would assume are in meshes so could be moved about pretty easy 😉 or you could create the slope at the back just be adding some more substrate and just lifting the back rocks a little, again not for the faint of heart lol
Do mosses only grow on mesh ? Over time if they are attached by cotton or whatever, will they adhere to wood or stone ?
Hi all

Thanks all
Ady34 said:
See you in another year....to the day!
I'll try not to leave it so long for the next update :lol:

Antipofish said:
Hope I get another chance to see it in person some time before it gets changed.
Next time you're in town, you're more than welcome.

LondonDragon said:
The hardscape in the tank had the unfortunate movement due to the slope flattening a little, which now lost some of its original appeal,
I agree, the thought had crossed my mind to dabble with it but I've resisted so far. Also, I'm not sure what will be released into the water after such a long time if I mess with the substrate :? . I've already had a total wipeout of all my shrimp last August Bank Holiday after a water change 🙁 , so I was a bit reluctant to give it a go.

Antipofish said:
Do mosses only grow on mesh ? Over time if they are attached by cotton or whatever, will they adhere to wood or stone ?
A lot of mosses will attach theirself to rocks and wood etc in time, but making a carpet of Fissidens had to be done on a mesh, using cuttings when it was trimmed, so it's taken ages :lol:
The Mini pellia, and the Lomariopsis Lineata are grown attached to rock in this tank 😀
Cant beleive I have missed this Journal :shock:

What an awesome tank ... like many on here I love moss and shrimp and to see such a well crafted tank with both in is just stunning :thumbup:

Haha started my own moss/shrimp tank in my shed recently also going low tech ... was a little disheartened to see you swapped to hightech because of the slow/poor growth. Has made me realise that im gonna be staring at more fishing line than moss for quite some time :lol:

In your own words though its worth the wait .. and seeing your results it truly is 😀