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MrStoffel's 60-P - Taken by storm

I like this last scape.
It does not look as good as the previous one, but if planted well, it will look great.

Many great hard scapes are barely visible after a couple of months.
I agree with @CooKieS the previous layouts looked cleaner if you want room.behind just move it around a little stems are very thin you will be able to plant and replant the tops that dont need to be in the soil till you get a good density of stems plants

I think there was only 2-3cm between the wood and the back pane. It is an extremely big piece, the pictures don't really reflect its true size.
But maybe if i take a hammer and chisel to it, i can chip off a part in the lower left corner to create some room for stems.
You could push the wood down into the soil so its a little more upright maybe so it just breaks the surface and add more soil to the back to raise the height there for giving maybe a couple more cm to plant into
I managed to take a part of the wood off. Its looking sleeker now and allows more room for planting. I also increased the angle a bit abd changed the placement of the rocks. I think this will be it.


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I would still make the soil deeper at the back give it a lot more height for the stems
Level out the front and raise it front to back
Also you will need more soil at the front left.corner at least 2cm deep
I would still make the soil deeper at the back give it a lot more height for the stems
Level out the front and raise it front to back
Also you will need more soil at the front left.corner at least 2cm deep
Good advice Jay. I removed some substrate in the back right, now leaving 5cm.
In the lower left i will put some powder amazonia for the carpeting plants.
These are some of the plants i'm considering:
*Anubias nana
*Microsorum trident
*Hygrophyla pinatifida
*Moss on the wood
*Rotala H'ra
*A nice crypt in the shaded area
*hydrocotyle tripartita

The carpeting plants are the ones i am most unsure about what to get.
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Eleocharis 'mini' is a nice and easy carpeting plant. I think the scape would look great with glossostigma but that one is a bit trickier to keep compact.
If you follow aquariumgardens in instagram they just posted a picture if a 60 P with a large piece of wood similar to yours. Maybe some inspiration for you 🙂
Eleocharis 'mini' is a nice and easy carpeting plant. I think the scape would look great with glossostigma but that one is a bit trickier to keep compact.
How do you trim Eleocharis Mini? Since the leaves are so small, i imagine they float away very quickly and are hard to gather to take out of the tank?
The aquariumgardens tank looks cool! This is the style i had in mind for my tank. 🙂
I think i'm going to fill the tank this weekend with Remineralised RO water and some bacterial starter. Then black it out until i can't detect any ammonia/nitrites, drain it and start planting.
This gives me a good 2 weeks to find and gather plants, hopefully have less algae issues and melt.
I like it! Looks great.
So this weekend i flooded the tank with RO water and added some minerals + bacteria.
I blacked it out, and will leave it like this for 1-2 weeks depending on water params.
So far i am really really pleased with the oase biomaster. It is dead silent, up to the point i had to put my ear against it to make sure it was still running. The skimmer pipe is also working tremendously good, not one floating particle remains 30mins after setting it. Really happy i went with this combo. :thumbup:
Time to share some progress with you guys.
Tank was planted 10 days ago, using a mix of 1-2 grow cups and potted plants.
*Eleocharis Mini (in-vitro)
*Althernanthera Reineckii mini (in-vitro)
*Rotala indica (in-vitro)
*Rotala walichii (in-vitro)
*Hygrophila pinnatifida (in-vitro)
*Taiwan moss (tray)
*Microsorum pteropus "mini" (pot)
*Annubias nana (2 pots from 2 different sources, 5 plants total)

All in all the tank is progressing rather good, i think.
The bad:
I had 2 annubias glued on the wood, that melted completely within a few days. The other three are doing fine up until now. (they were not glued, i wonder if the glue was the cause?)
The rotala indica was also a trouble plant the first few days, 2/5 of all planted stems melted completely. They did have rather big root bundles when planted, maybe i should have removed them? (noob alert?😵)
The last problem area is the Eleocharis. Half of it is doing great and showing growth allready, the other half turned yellow and melted. For now i am leaving those yellow clumps in, hoping the roots are still fine and start producing new shoots.

The good news:
All other plants are thriving, and the tank looks better everyday. All equipment is working great as well.
Twinstar is at 55% intensity, lowered by 10% after losing anubias. Co2 is at 1-2 bubbles / second.
Currently dosing 3 squirts of Micro & Macro ferts from greenaqua / day in the morning.

Currents residents: 6 Fire red neocardina, 3 Otocinclus
Planning to add: Hydrocotyle tripartita & some 15 Rasbora Brigittae


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Time to share some progress with you guys.
Tank was planted 10 days ago, using a mix of 1-2 grow cups and potted plants.
*Eleocharis Mini (in-vitro)
*Althernanthera Reineckii mini (in-vitro)
*Rotala indica (in-vitro)
*Rotala walichii (in-vitro)
*Hygrophila pinnatifida (in-vitro)
*Taiwan moss (tray)
*Microsorum pteropus "mini" (pot)
*Annubias nana (2 pots from 2 different sources, 5 plants total)

All in all the tank is progressing rather good, i think.
The bad:
I had 2 annubias glued on the wood, that melted completely within a few days. The other three are doing fine up until now. (they were not glued, i wonder if the glue was the cause?)
The rotala indica was also a trouble plant the first few days, 2/5 of all planted stems melted completely. They did have rather big root bundles when planted, maybe i should have removed them? (noob alert?😵)
The last problem area is the Eleocharis. Half of it is doing great and showing growth allready, the other half turned yellow and melted. For now i am leaving those yellow clumps in, hoping the roots are still fine and start producing new shoots.

The good news:
All other plants are thriving, and the tank looks better everyday. All equipment is working great as well.
Twinstar is at 55% intensity, lowered by 10% after losing anubias. Co2 is at 1-2 bubbles / second.
Currently dosing 3 squirts of Micro & Macro ferts from greenaqua / day in the morning.

Currents residents: 6 Fire red neocardina, 3 Otocinclus
Planning to add: Hydrocotyle tripartita & some 15 Rasbora Brigittae
Ammonia levels?Anubias shouldnt melt theyre one of the hardiest plants around.
That was my first idea too, although my test kit (new jbl) comes up with 0,05 or unreadable. (yellow color)
Also, the Fire red shrimp are doing great, i'm sure they wouldn't if ammonia levels were too high?
The curious thing is, i am pretty sure the two that melted came from the same pot, the other three also came from one pot. (the leaves were slightly different shape, so maybe not the same sp.)
At first i was trying to only take the melted leaves away and leave the rhyzome, but weirdly enough it was completely mushy as well.
Now i am left with an ugly white spot on the wood. :banghead:
Some strange things happening this week.
I started seeing all kinds of algae types at once pop up, diatoms, green slime, green thread,...
Also a few leaves of the H. pinnatifida melted and the moss on the wood showed some browning.
Last week i changed only 30% of water instead of 50% for the first time. I had increased lighting intensity to 70% and duration from 6h to 7h a day.
Ferts were also increased as well as CO2.

So in a panic i did a bigger 50% waterchange again, a few days prior than i had planned. I ripped out some of the moss that had browned. And siphoned away all dead plant matter. Cleaned the pre-filter, although it still looked rather fresh.

Should I increase water change frequency and volume for the time being? Or do i risk doing too much and unbalancing the tank?
Some strange things happening this week.
I started seeing all kinds of algae types at once pop up, diatoms, green slime, green thread,...
Also a few leaves of the H. pinnatifida melted and the moss on the wood showed some browning.
Last week i changed only 30% of water instead of 50% for the first time. I had increased lighting intensity to 70% and duration from 6h to 7h a day.
Ferts were also increased as well as CO2.

So in a panic i did a bigger 50% waterchange again, a few days prior than i had planned. I ripped out some of the moss that had browned. And siphoned away all dead plant matter. Cleaned the pre-filter, although it still looked rather fresh.

Should I increase water change frequency and volume for the time being? Or do i risk doing too much and unbalancing the tank?
I think you done right thing, everyone always says do 1 thing at a time maybe drop lights back to 6 hours and do 50%water changes and hopefuly it will be fine.


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