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My 60p soft water

You were not fertilising for some time? I am not sure if I understood this we
No I was dosing masterline clone 7:1:7
understading leave morphology can't change once the leaf is out.
Yeah I think that's right, my wording was not good, it put out some new thinner leaves. I'm sure you know Pantanal grow fast.

. Were this tops allowed to reach the surface before you trimmed them?
Nope just changed ferts.
Some photo spam couple days after increased dosing

Uncleaned glass🤣
Noticed melting old leaves on my eriocualon quinquangulare, so I double checked co2. I only had 1.1 pH drop. Upped the co2 as I swapped the co2 tank as well. Checked after WC and it settled around 1.3 drop. Tomorrow I think it'll go to around 1.4-1.5. most plants doing well and I've never seen ludwigia Cuba so big and healthy.
Swapped back to masterline clone. Ammannia gold was not happy with increased dosing. Trying to something again which I'll tell you guys about later. The tank substrate got cleaned so that's why it looks particularly clean. I think as a routine, vigorous substrate cleaning every three months is a good idea.
Looks great man. What happened to the mycrantha, too big to mess with?
Killed off the leaves with peroxide.... It is a massive plant though, so I'll probably move it somewhere else.
Went on holiday and came back to every single type of algae. Plants are in great health though, so I can fix it quickly.

Staghorn, bba, GDA, GSA, filamentous algae, cyano it's all there!!!
Went on holiday and came back to every single type of algae. Plants are in great health though, so I can fix it quickly. View attachment 207932
Staghorn, bba, GDA, GSA, filamentous algae, cyano it's all there!!!
Do you like this regime more than the other (miracle)? I have a impression the other gave you less problems and better grow… interestingly had k<mg. Usually fertz have more k relative to n (a primary macro-nutrient).
Do you like this regime more than the other (miracle)? I have a impression the other gave you less problems and better grow… interestingly had k<mg. Usually fertz have more k relative to n (a primary macro-nutrient).

With some All-In-One fertilizers such as Tropica Specialized you’re actually getting about 27% more N than K… or 1.27:1. Potassium, while a macro, is another one of those (alongside P) that you really do not need that much of and preferably less relative to Mg.

With some All-In-One fertilizers such as Tropica Specialized you’re actually getting about 27% more N than K… or 1.27:1. Potassium, while a macro, is another one of those (alongside P) that you really do not need that much of and preferably less relative to Mg.

So it’s safe to assume I good formula (that doesn’t charge the water too much TDS) should have a Mg:K of 2:1ppms and…??? (what ratio for P and using what nutrient? Fe+micros? at?)
Taking a bit more work than expected but that's only because I switched up my dosing to modified EI lol. Plants growing fast mostly look good i

Peak at some of the new plants:

Eriocaulon breviscapum

Bacopa purple sg

Syngonanthus la lindosa or caulescens not sure which yet

Eriocaulon Setaceum, peep some gorgeous cuphea

Syngonanthus manuas

Only one doing poorly is rotala ramosior. They were not in great shape when they got to me which doesn't help especially with such a sensitive fickle stem.

And finally a fts post 50 percent WC


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I bet I missed it somewhere, but what GH currently?
Heard from solid source that Ramosior likes some decent GH.
Which variety is it?
6 or so which I think is enough.
It is ramosior Florida.
@plantnoobdude good Job on keep on exploring different ideas and experimenting with them.

So what was the conclusion with the Masterline Golden clone? Kind of ended that experiment bit earlier?
@plantnoobdude good Job on keep on exploring different ideas and experimenting with them.

So what was the conclusion with the Masterline Golden clone? Kind of ended that experiment bit earlier?
Masterline golden grew most plants well but it was very slow especially with lower no3 and no urea.