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Critique my aquascape My first hardscape for a 120cm - Dragon Stone


New Member
12 Jan 2021
Hi, this is my first serious attempt to set a hardscape. I set up a 54L tank before, but it was a very minimal effort.

The tank is 120cm x 40cm x 50cm (Eheim VivaLed 240L)
Main stone: dragon stone
Substrate: Seachem flourite black (I ran it out last night, and am waiting for more to have the RHS of the tank).
The plan is to grow dutch style plants on the hills and leave open white beach for Corydoras. I am worry that too much of the white open area is an invitation for algae.

Thanks for your feedback 😀 Much appreciated!


  • eheim hardscape.jpg
    eheim hardscape.jpg
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Hi, this is my first serious attempt to set a hardscape.

I would try changing the orientation of these two rocks as indicated, also rocks that are only sticking out the AS will very quickly be hidden when the plants/carpet gets going so having them stuck out more will prevent them from being hidden later

I would try changing the orientation of these two rocks as indicated, also rocks that are only sticking out the AS will very quickly be hidden when the plants/carpet gets going so having them stuck out more will prevent them from being hidden later
View attachment 161247
Thanks - very good points! Btw, what is AS?
I like Zeus’s suggestions, changing the rock angles will really draw the eye to the sandy valley and off into the distance. It looks great.
Can’t comment on the algae issue as I’m new to the game too but off topic , are you a timetrialist as well? There’s a “Blueboar”on the Timetrialing forum too.
@Blueboar I like what you are trying to do here. I recently scaped with dragon stone and found it to be easy to build large "rocks" by glueing them in strategic places suing the cigarette filter technique. This is essentially an Iwagumi so I would try and "create" or glue a large protruding rock where you want the viewers eye to go once they start looking at your sand path. I would say you need to get 10cm higher than the biggest piece you have there. I like to stick to the rule of thirds, but that is very technical. I see the sand path is that "focal" point so maybe where the current big rock is protruding you could put an even bigger one. Is this based off of another scape?
@Blueboar I like what you are trying to do here. I recently scaped with dragon stone and found it to be easy to build large "rocks" by glueing them in strategic places suing the cigarette filter technique. This is essentially an Iwagumi so I would try and "create" or glue a large protruding rock where you want the viewers eye to go once they start looking at your sand path. I would say you need to get 10cm higher than the biggest piece you have there. I like to stick to the rule of thirds, but that is very technical. I see the sand path is that "focal" point so maybe where the current big rock is protruding you could put an even bigger one. Is this based off of another scape?
Hi, I got the inspiration from Dennis Wong here:

But I reckon that my scape is quite far from his in realisation. 😛

I like your suggestion on building an even bigger on (left of the 'cliff'). I am currently running out of dragon stones though and will need to order a bit more and see what I can do.
I like Zeus’s suggestions, changing the rock angles will really draw the eye to the sandy valley and off into the distance. It looks great.
Can’t comment on the algae issue as I’m new to the game too but off topic , are you a timetrialist as well? There’s a “Blueboar”on the Timetrialing forum too.
Haha, thanks! This Blueboar doesn't do time trialing 😛

Good suggestion, I will try to play with the two rocks on the left.
Haha, thanks! This Blueboar doesn't do time trialing 😛

Good suggestion, I will try to play with the two rocks on the left.
Haha, well there must be a few Blueboars out there. I looked it up and a group of them are called a "Sounder" of boars. One really fast aero one and another sniffing around the water weeds! 😀