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Nano cube Dennerle 30L

Really cool tank that is mate, have u got some stats on it light, dosing, filtration etc
Thanks Mrmikey. It is a simple layout just to put me back in the routine. But this little tank is a joy, in 3 month I only cleaned the glass pipes and glass once. Got some diatom for a couples of weeks after a month. Then some cyano, done a black out and double the N. Since no thing. Easy going really 😀

Light: 2x Arcpod 11W/ 10hrs, they will be replace next week buy a Duo Boy 26W
Substrat: Manado and Aqua Basis plus
Filtration: Hydor Prime 10, Cal Aqua Influx X1 and Efflux F1
CO2: 500gr canister, Cal Aqua nano Drop Checker, cabochon ruby, nano diffuser boyu / Dennerle
Ferts: All from Easy Life, Daily= ProFito: 0.5ml
EasyCarbo: 2ml
Ferro: 0.5ml
Potassium: 0.5ml
Nitro: 1ml
Water: Well I don't know, don't test anything. I am new in the area, but been told the water is quiet hard.

I think that's all. If you have other question, you are welcome.
alexandre said:
Thanks Mrmikey. It is a simple layout just to put me back in the routine. But this little tank is a joy, in 3 month I only cleaned the glass pipes and glass once. Got some diatom for a couples of weeks after a month. Then some cyano, done a black out and double the N. Since no thing. Easy going really 😀

Light: 2x Arcpod 11W/ 10hrs, they will be replace next week buy a Duo Boy 26W
Substrat: Manado and Aqua Basis plus
Filtration: Hydor Prime 10, Cal Aqua Influx X1 and Efflux F1
CO2: 500gr canister, Cal Aqua nano Drop Checker, cabochon ruby, nano diffuser boyu / Dennerle
Ferts: All from Easy Life, Daily= ProFito: 0.5ml
EasyCarbo: 2ml
Ferro: 0.5ml
Potassium: 0.5ml
Nitro: 1ml
Water: Well I don't know, don't test anything. I am new in the area, but been told the water is quiet hard.

I think that's all. If you have other question, you are welcome.

Well I think you have done a really nice job. I like it a lot and definitely think u made a good chose getting back into the hobby.

Thanks for listing your tank stats I always like to see how other people are getting on with their dennerales.

I'm so jealous of your hc it looks great, if I could get that like mine I would be so chuffed.... It's always given me trouble... Always.

Loving the plants at the back as well what are those ? actually what plants and fish have u got in there ? 😉
Thanks again. Hc need quiet a bit of ferts in the water colon I think. I did grow it in soft water (RO) and hight light, then now in hard water and moderate light (the bulbs are quiet old, well over a year of use). The only thing in common with those bacs are the EI dosing.

The Fishes are Hyphessobrycon Amandae, I have as well some red cherries and few Spiny Zebra Nerite Snails.
The plants: Hemianthus callitrichoides
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Cryptocoryne parva
Eleocharis Acicularis
Rotala rotundifolia
Rotala sp. green
Thanks for listing your plants I'm not very good with the names. I will be keeping my fingers crossed my hc grows like yours. I've got one 11w and one 18w on my tank now after reading ur post. Co2 high, 5ml all in one - daily, 1ml easycarb daily, good flow down to substrate, and have gone up to 8hrs light instead of 6. See how it gos🙂
No problem 😀
I started too with 6hrs photoperiode and the HC and HM wasn't doing to well, specially the HM. Which I never had problem before.
For me it is glosso I hallways had problem (if you check my hold journal). It grow fast, like glosso but tall, even with 1W/Ltr :?: :?: :?: Red plants idem, Rotundifolia, Arcuata never goes nice red like you see in other aquariums.
Thanks George.

Nice to see you posting here. The scape is okay, not really what I wanted to do. Just fill it with fast growing plants for a start and it is going nicely. But that time I am in the right country for this hobby 😀 .
But moving country, new house, furnitures etc... So I will probably need an other year before I can have fun in fishkeeping (I don't speak german).
Hi Alexandre,

I was also considering getting the Duo Boy light. What do you think of it so far?

Nice scape BTW!!!


gmartins said:
Hi Alexandre,

I was also considering getting the Duo Boy light. What do you think of it so far?

Nice scape BTW!!!



Hi Gmartins,

Plant grow, I don't know to early to make judgement.
The quality, well it is plastic.
That said, I will compare it to the Arcpod that I had before. The Duoboy, no protection for the water. But I never drop my Arcpod in the water so I couldn't tell you if they are safe like Arcadia say. And even so I wouldn't have put my hand in the water to check it 😉
Anyway it does hold good on the glass, so you must be pretty sloppy to drop it in the water.
The look, I don't think I need to say anything.
The bulb it come with is a 6500k, don't need to change it. The Arcpod come with a pink one, like they use to do 25 years ago 🙄
Price: You need two Arcpods for one Duoboy. And you don't need to change the bulb.
The led the Duoboy come are blue, great for reef. Would have been better green or white. But not a big deal.

Took a few pictures today, did clean the filter, pipes and hoses. Will do a trim tomorrow.







Gorgeous cube, I love it 🙂

I was looking at that light but can't get them in the UK!
Hi all,

Here are the last shot of the nano.



On the last picture is the CPO who catched a fish (not the snail), and me trying to rescue him during the photos shoot for the french contest. The fish is find now 🙂