Thanks Mrmikey. It is a simple layout just to put me back in the routine. But this little tank is a joy, in 3 month I only cleaned the glass pipes and glass once. Got some diatom for a couples of weeks after a month. Then some cyano, done a black out and double the N. Since no thing. Easy going really 😀
Light: 2x Arcpod 11W/ 10hrs, they will be replace next week buy a Duo Boy 26W
Substrat: Manado and Aqua Basis plus
Filtration: Hydor Prime 10, Cal Aqua Influx X1 and Efflux F1
CO2: 500gr canister, Cal Aqua nano Drop Checker, cabochon ruby, nano diffuser boyu / Dennerle
Ferts: All from Easy Life, Daily= ProFito: 0.5ml
EasyCarbo: 2ml
Ferro: 0.5ml
Potassium: 0.5ml
Nitro: 1ml
Water: Well I don't know, don't test anything. I am new in the area, but been told the water is quiet hard.
I think that's all. If you have other question, you are welcome.