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New computer.....iMac?

Nah tell him not to bother or just stick with Windows 7, Microsoft is trying to get one OS to work with all types of devices and its not working in my opinion, they need two types of OS like OSX and iOS to cope, they never learn!

Anyway you will not be disappointed with the iMac or Mac Mini, I got myself a Macbook Air last summer and its the best laptop I have ever owned 😉 the damn thing just works all the time, its even the best hardware for Windows 7, beats any laptop that is designed to run windows! Use mine on a daily basis, got the 11" version for portability and its always in my bag!

But I would not trade my desktop for a Mac 😉 that will never happen! 😛
Why wouldn't you trade your current desktop for a mac? Just curious if there's a particular reason, or if there other comparable alternatives....
Why wouldn't you trade your current desktop for a mac? Just curious if there's a particular reason, or if there other comparable alternatives....
The amount of software I use I would find it difficult to mimic on a Mac that's all, I use various software programs for stuff that I do that I would not be able to find similar on OSX that's all, but I have been tempted to get a Mac desktop and just stick windows on it LOL main main OS still needs to be windows for now 😉
The amount of software I use I would find it difficult to mimic on a Mac that's all, I use various software programs for stuff that I do that I would not be able to find similar on OSX that's all, but I have been tempted to get a Mac desktop and just stick windows on it LOL main main OS still needs to be windows for now 😉
Ah cool, most of what you just said went over my head, but I'm guessing your more than just a photo uploading or downloading (whichever it is) and browsing kind of guy!.....maybe like running this site for example 😉
I think I'm gonna get a mac.....then cry for a year about trying to afford it! Lol
Go for the iMac, you will not like Windows 8 :what: :wideyed: :rage: :arghh: 😱
I absolutely 100% argee with you, I want to slap the inventor of windows 8 with a cod.
They are trying to reinvent the wheel IMO, what is with having the home screen with massive buttons, there was absolutely no problem with the layout of the previous windows. Now it is harder to acess control pannel ect.

Microsoft is trying to get one OS to work with all types of devices and its not working in my opinion, they need two types of OS like OSX and iOS to cope, they never learn!
Yet again I agree, one OS for PCs and one for tablets. Simple.
What are OS and OSX?, I've heard of iOS....but still don't know what they are.....I need one of them 'for dummies' books!
What are OS and OSX?, I've heard of iOS....but still don't know what they are.....I need one of them 'for dummies' books!
OS just stands for operation system, OSX is the operating system running on Mac desktops and iOS is the operating system on iPhones and iPads 😉
Don't do it Ady!!!

Hello all,
They look great and although seem an expensive outlay, they have a longer estimated lifespan and are regularly updated so ideal for a computer dummy like myself who won't want to be replacing and updating a system regularly.
Can anyone offer any advice as to any negative reasons not to go for it.

I'll post more in a bit when I don't have the cat helping me... I really wouldn't go the Mac route though.
Don't do it Ady!!!

I'll post more in a bit when I don't have the cat helping me... I really wouldn't go the Mac route though.
Oohhh......controversial.....ill await more info
Bet you just don't want the cat there as he/she thinks iMacs are purrrfect!...i know :banghead:
Ok, to elaborate a bit on my first post...

They do indeed look great, one thing that Apple do "par excellence" is styling - they've built an entire brand on it with the icon they created in the form of the first iPod, and they've kept that going ever since. I'm not sure where you have got the idea about a longer estimated lifespan though, or the fact that the updates are a perk. Their lifespan is no greater than a normal PC (you can actually argue it's less since you can't upgrade parts of the system itself), and Windows receives continuous updates, so there's no differential there.

The other item you picked up on was how good the screen looks. This is something that I'll agree with you on - Apple have always recognised the merits of having a very high fidelity screen, hence their recent push on their branded "retina" displays. If you want displays like this though, you can still get them for PC's.

The other point to be aware of is that Windows software won't necessarily run on a Mac. For example, if you own Microsoft Office, you're going to have to go and buy that again, because it's a different product for Mac. If your family plays games, same again.

Since ultimately it's your decision and nobody else's, if you're willing to then I'd suggest you post up on here what your budget is, what your requirements are (base unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers etc), and what you want to be able to do with the system. We can then spec you up an equivalent PC and you can make your own decision 🙂.
@LondonDragon - Requesting a 24 hour name change for Ady to "Forum Comedian" please...
Haha if your post gets 10 likes I will do it! 😛

Rick fully support your points on Apple, also one thing you need to consider with Apple if every time they upgrade to a new version of OSX they kind of says its the best thing since sliced bread and then you find out none of your software now works and you need to purchase new versions, they are not on top of the world in the money league just for looks 😉

I have nothing against apple, I have an apple laptop and an ipad, cause they are just the best of both worlds, if I was a basic user on the desktop front, i.e. Web, office, photoshop and little more, then an apple would be fine, you have less to worry about when it comes to viruses and malware (it exists on OSX but very little in comparison) I have an iBook G4 that I got 10 years ago and it still works, its slow but still works and I never had to re-install the OS lol I also have an old Toshiba that is about 15 years old running Windows 3.11 that also still works 😉
Exactly Paulo, I'm just concerned that Ady is being taken in by the looks rather than what is beneath! Not that any bloke has ever been led astray by physical attraction or anything 😛.
Exactly Paulo, I'm just concerned that Ady is being taken in by the looks rather than what is beneath! Not that any bloke has ever been led astray by physical attraction or anything 😛.
Ady by asking what is iOS just proved he is better off with an Apple 😉 (no offence Ady lol)
We're going to derail the thread if we keep this up 😛. I'd argue that he's unlikely to be held back by moving to Apple, but it still leaves the hardware cost and potential software re-purchasing cost points in situ!

I understand PC's, it's tanks I struggle with... Like the algae tank I have next to my bed. There's not even a way to overclock it 🙁.
I'm not sure where you have got the idea about a longer estimated lifespan though
...from Richard, the salesman of course :lol:
The other point to be aware of is that Windows software won't necessarily run on a Mac. For example, if you own Microsoft Office, you're going to have to go and buy that again, because it's a different product for Mac. If your family plays games, same again.
well i dont use any of those things......i cant, my current system is sooo sloooow......and i have a Wii 😀 I might use word occasionally, do Macs have an equivalent? or can you add this in an app or purchase?

Since ultimately it's your decision and nobody else's, if you're willing to then I'd suggest you post up on here what your budget is
i dont have really have a budget, just the need for a new computer. In all honesty i went to the shop to look at standard desktops and was shocked at the prices for those, the sales guy said have you thought about a mac, i said i cant afford one, i looked anyway and i was....
taken in by the looks rather than what is beneath! Not that any bloke has ever been led astray by physical attraction or anything .
....not me 😀 .....apple brand, id much prefer it to be a nice pear 😉 (im working on material for that 'forum comedian' 24hr name change 😛 ) I must admit it looked the part, but thinking about it more, its a complete package,
what your requirements are (base unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers etc), and what you want to be able to do with the system.
thats just it, its simple, all built into a slimline, space saving integrated unit...... which happens to be made from sexy, smooth, friction stir welded joints used in airplane wings, rocket booster tanks and other such man stuff which intermixes the molecules of the two aluminium surfaces - creating a seamless, precise and super strong join.....ooohhhh :hilarious: .......
but seriously, ill be adding, editing and storing photos, browsing, managing my life etc.....its purely a personal computer, no gaming no business, to be linked with i pads, 'i' everthing else we have really so from that viewpoint i thought it would be simple, but also 'teched' enough for the future....like you say i can addon later if i need, just will cost.
Ady by asking what is iOS just proved he is better off with an Apple 😉 (no offence Ady lol)
How very dare you!.....but exactly, im probably highly over purchasing whatever i buy, but i want something to work with my lifestyle and family, and the future, something i might understand a little....and if if not my 4 year old can teach me, he shows me things all the time on the ipad :wideyed: these are the conclusions ive come to now anyway, for me there seems no negatives to the imac.
but i want something to work with my lifestyle and family, and the future, something i might understand a little.
Go with the Mac 😉 you can always sell it if you don't like it 😛 I will give you a fiver for it!
Damn, I missed out on this conversation. Coming in a bit too late now I feel!
But here are my two cents...

I am a freelance programmer and Apple developer, as well as writing software for PC and online.
I currently own the fastest Macbook Pro you can get, and the fastest (at least in processor) desktop PC which I spec'ed and built myself.

I've owned Macs and PCs in one form or another for years now.
Here's my thoughts:

- a well spec'ed PC will usually out-perform a Mac in terms of speed. (Im talking about a custom built PC with hardware components that compliment each other)
- PCs are obviously much cheaper (eg. my Macbook Pro cost about £2000 - my top of the line PC cost £800 and blows the Macbook out of the water)
- with a PC, you have much more scope for customisation. (eg. would you like to run 2 or three screens? This is normal for PC but you are going to need some additional cables and software for Macs)
- [echoing Paulo's point] almost all software is available for PC so you can pretty much be sure of getting what you need
- games. If thats a consideration then PC is the way to go. Maybe your kids want to play some online games, this is going to be a limited choice for Macs.
- cross compatibility. Things like printers, networks, connections to other computers are all fairly straight forward for PCs and again, getting stuff like printer drivers that works is pain free. Macs, in my experience, have been tricky to get talking to other network devices such as printers or servers.
- everyone else uses PCs! (well ok, I know that alot are on Mac) but lets face it, most people are on PC. The point being that if someone gives you a file its in PC format, if you send them something, its in Mac format, so you can potentially start to experience problems opening and using these. (this is becoming less-so with Windows 7)
- stick with Windows 7!

One point I want to add in here is that Im really surprised that alot of the praise of Macs here so far has been with the "visuals".
I believe that to be a completely mute point. Visuals are critical to me (I need to be able to design an interface with crisp HD clarity). Invest in a good monitor and thats what you get. If you use a cheap bit of crap that came with a bundled PC then yes, it probably doesnt look as sharp as Macs, but go and buy a really good hi-res IIYAMA or similar and you wont be dissappointed (and for the vast money you save buying PC over MAC, then you CAN afford that big 24" screen!)

- plug and play in its truest form. You switch it on and it does what you need. Simples!
(Id like to add one caveat here though - it does what you want providing you want to do something that Apple have provided for. If you step outside the normal every-day type of computing then I have ran into huge problems getting my Mac set up as I want. eg - I run 4 monitors on my development machine. Macs cannot do this - I spent £300 trying to make it happen only to be beaten!)
- you are much more protected against viruses/malware/etc
- ease of getting OS updates and new apps/software through the App Store
- status. Lets face it, a large part of why some people buy Macs is to say they have bought a Mac! (well done Apple marketeers)
- customer support. It is exemplary. Fact.

So, conclusion... what side do I advise for you?
Well, let me say that Im sure you wont be disappointed if you get the iMac or Mac MINI. Great machines.
I would recommend a GOOD pc. Much easier on your wallet (more fish things can now be bought!!! huzzah!), excellent performance, and the ability to be used for anything you would want all contribute to keeping PC on top in my opinion.

(typed from my PC)