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New foreground plant

Why are you even bothering with Java plants? Both of the times I've used them they have failed to come through.
Garuf said:
Why are you even bothering with Java plants? Both of the times I've used them they have failed to come through.

geeez louise m8 someone seriously does'nt like java plants do they :lol:
I only used them for easy growing stems and the one's i got were'nt that bad really
No, I really don't like Java. 🙄

It's a nice plant I suspect the reports of it being rampant are correct and wet pets' hasn't got hold yet.
LondonDragon said:
Garuf said:
No, I really don't like Java. 🙄
That makes two of us, ordered once one of those multi packs of plants, and most of it went in the bin!

I agree with you on that, I would'nt order a collection from them but the odd bunch of stems here and there i dont mind too much.
Out of 20 plants I got 2 that I'd ordered.
Second order never arrived, chased it up and it hadn't been posted, arrived as labelled bags of mush.

ANYWAY, java suck lets move on and keep this on topic.
Garuf said:
Out of 20 plants I got 2 that I'd ordered.
Second order never arrived, chased it up and it hadn't been posted, arrived as labelled bags of mush.

ANYWAY, java suck lets move on and keep this on topic.

Agreed garuf, i did a quick search and found these http://www.ukwildflowers.com/Web_pages/ ... myweed.htm
http://www.eppo.org/QUARANTINE/plants/C ... sii_DS.pdf

Gives a pretty good insight into how prolific the plant/weed can be.

EDIT: 1st link does'nt work, not sure why :?
look on your 1st link there is the word "link" just before http, delete it ( 🙂
Ed Seeley said:
Please note that this species is a Schedule 9 species listed as being an invasive non-native. It really shouldn't be sold
So why do Java-plants have it for sale?

I posted this in TFF when I came across it a few months ago, I was about to buy some but when I searched for it on greenline they said they didn't stock it because it was an invasive species. No one seemed that interested.

I dispose of most of my clippings into my compost bin, hopefully the same heat which kills off weed seeds will also kill off any plant bits.

Is it worth compiling a sticky of invasive plants with photos so that more people are aware?
Egmel said:
Ed Seeley said:
Please note that this species is a Schedule 9 species listed as being an invasive non-native. It really shouldn't be sold
So why do Java-plants have it for sale?

I posted this in TFF when I came across it a few months ago, I was about to buy some but when I searched for it on greenline they said they didn't stock it because it was an invasive species. No one seemed that interested.

I dispose of most of my clippings into my compost bin, hopefully the same heat which kills off weed seeds will also kill off any plant bits.

Is it worth compiling a sticky of invasive plants with photos so that more people are aware?

Unfortunately the law isn't quite as strict with these as it should be IMHO. Some consciensus retailers police themselves and should be supported IMO for doing this and other good practice.
You will be ok composting the Crassula as it isn't that invasive except in waterways.

I will compile a thread for it and link to the web pages on Schedule 9 species.