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Hi all my name is ste im 34 and from the north west i have been keeping tropicl fish since 1986 when i got my first tropical aquarium ( this took weeks of hard wingeing as i was only 10 ) i never looked back and have kept tropicals ever since i have been a member of preston and district aquaist sociaty for about 7 years .ive had lots of successes along wit some heart breaking and catastrofic failures , i have always had some plants in all my tanks over the years but since i saw an amano tank 3 years ago i am hooked i have 2 planted tanks at the moment one is a huge 1000l tank i have put my heart and soul into createing a sceen in and the other is a 120l cube tank with crystal red shrimp and a mixture of plants that didn`t make the grade in the big tank i also have 2 other tanks with just fish and the odd plant and a 20,000l koi pond my hobbies are fly fishing and scuba diveing i think that it

i also have a very understanding wfe !!!
:text-welcomewave: I'm sure you'll enjoy browsing the forum. Like everyone said before, dont be shy and 🙂 share some photos
Hi all thanks for the warm welcome i will put some photos on of my shrimp tank and the pond but am entering the ada comp this year with the 1000l bad boy and have heard they can be a bit funny about showing photo`s prior to entry after that i will put photos on.I will get the wife to teach me how to upload photos tonight