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Newbie with a new project.

Update! Cryptocoryne flamingo added last week and new pink under water leaves just started to grow. Needed some colour apart from green and brown.

Blyxa japonica is going crazy. Runners shooting out everywhere. Thicker leaves than what I'm used to seeing though.

Natans Minima on top growing great too!

I noticed that you have corys in your tank. Won't they ruin the carpeting plants when they dig about the substrate?
I noticed that you have corys in your tank. Won't they ruin the carpeting plants when they dig about the substrate?
Yes I do and planted the monte carlo while they where in there. Told they would dig it up but they didn't. Maybe I was just lucky. I planted long strands of monte carlo deep into the fluval stratum which probably helped keep them be more secure.
Corys in while I planted the monte carlo back in December. 👍
Monte carlo had its first haircut today! Cut it back to about 2.5 cm think. Blyxa japonica arrived today but I think it's dead. It's in the middle left and right.

That is a lovely little setup I have monte carlo but I done it all in one clump lol . I will do what you did next time New to the planted tanks
Thank you. You could still break up the monte carlo or take cuttings to spread it around. Grows so much faster when seperated. Good luck! Enjoy the planted tank bug. Got me hooked lol.
I closed down a 700lt marine tank and got 6 shrimp tanks all different species. An my son has a 45cm cube that I have just loaded with plants that has took off like mad but not the monte . That is a good idea to split it didn't even think of that lol for now I'll just let it do it's thing see were it goes 😀
Crypts in the morning 😍 Aquarium is starting to look good! Rotala has settled and growing 2cm a day. Monte carlo took a heavy trim low at the front and was yellow behind the brown algae. Hopefully it will fill in soon with nice green leaves. Probably its to thick now and wants a full cut back.
Time to pull the carpet and replant? Not healthy underneath as ive let it grow to thick! 2 inch's now and should of kept it lower.... Should be fun 🤔