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Nigel's 80cm Nature Aquarium Aquascape

the detail in this tank is insane, it’s like every piece of graded gravel and every leaf of eleocharis has its place 😱 That is a commitment to the cause that gets you a 26 position in the iaplc.......congratulations, lovely aquascape.
the detail in this tank is insane, it’s like every piece of graded gravel and every leaf of eleocharis has its place 😱 That is a commitment to the cause that gets you a 26 position in the iaplc.......congratulations, lovely aquascape.

Thanks for the kind words. I truely did a lot of tweaking at the final stage to get the details how I wanted them to be.
Just joined UKAPS and read through this journal, thanks for sharing. Fantastic scape and Wow what a ranking! Well done 👍
Will check out your YouTube and Instagram