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Old broken mangrove. 45cmx45x30 tmc signature.


24 Dec 2012
Hi all, this journal has been a bit delayed as I've struggled to find an appropriate name. The wood sticking up reminds me of the old broken off trees you see along the amazon protruding out of the water. The idea with this scape was to try to get it to look ok from two sides, one where you walk into the lounge the other where we sit on the sofa. Also the idea was to make it look like a tree has broken off years ago and fell onto the river bed. Pics..
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I won't go right through the cabinet build as I've done that in the diy section but a few pics.
Up to date pics.
had some melt to start with due to the stupid reactor which I will never use again I could never get it right it cost us too many shrimp and plants so im sticking with the ugly in tank.......until the pretty glass ones turn up from China. In the meantime I'm gassing the plants as much as I can as there is no live stock,no plans yet for any as it's all fresh ada substrate. Cheers kirk.
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Thankyou Roy, me too the plants are just starting to look greener so things are looking up. A couple of new leaves sprouting up on the plants at the front forgot what they are called. I had those off someone on here.
Hi Kirk, I am not sure are they not the same plant ?? This is what Tropica says about Sag

Sagittaria subulata from South America is an ideal, undemanding foreground plant whose short runners form a compact group. Place individual plants 2-4 cm apart. This plant may cause problems because in certain conditions it suddenly grows to a height of 50 cm when it grows older. But if it is then moved into the background it may become low again. In the aquarium it sometimes sends a long flower stem to the surface, and small white flowers unfold just above the water surface.
Well all started goid then I decided I didn't like the rocks and it was too flat so ruined it all putting in some akadama packed stockings to raise things a bit.
It took days to clear up.:D
I'm not happy with this either but I'm going to let things grow in now, thankyou vaz for the hc at least I have something green to look at whilst the plants I have emersed on kitchen ledge pick up.
Looks nice. I will give it time to grow in and then check how the hardscape turns out. Maybe blyxa japonica around the harsh edges of the hardacape?
TANK. 45cmx45cmx30 tmc signature.
STAND. Homemade from mdf and loads of coats of paint.
LIGHTING..maxspect razor.
SUBSTRATE..ada amazonia soil& something similar I purchased with another tank.
HARDSCAPE..bogwood from last tank &dragonstone.
Marselia quadrifolia.
Hemianthus callitrichoides.
cryptocoryne wenti.
" " becketti.
Hemianthus callitrichoides.Cuba
Fissidens. Oh and a tiger lotus somewhere.:D
Hello all. :) got some nice healthy fissidens from legytt today nice portion thanks mate. This is what I did with it.
New diffusers arrived from China Monday, so I soaked it in a glass of water for 24 hrs. Now in the tank.
hopfully the co2 will start coming out of more of the disk soon:D
Hi Roy yes I have used that method before using a dremel. I should have done it this time but I couldn't be bothered to go to the shed in the cold.:D I may have to do that anyway as it's a bit floaty.
Hi Kirk, Cold Its awful . Bring on summer :cool: The problem is with super glue it leaves a white mark :( And kills the bottom of the plant.
Another way is a wet start --- DW pre-soaked :) Chop the fiss up and spread it over the DW where you want it. And keep in a clear plastic bag with a light source over the top for a few weeks. Mist spray every day. After this place in the tank ;)
Well glad I had two diffuser from China, the one is pants. Put the second one on and much better more mist rather that bubbles to oneside of the disk. I finally found the best position for the wood.
I had to take it out and smash and saw a few pieces.

I'd got kind of attached to it as it was, but it was too big if I'm honest.

So hopefully if i can keep my meddling fingers out of the tank things will root.

The hc has now been segregated around the tank. I was just being a lazy idiot by placing stones to hold it down.
If there's anything I've learnt on here its not to cut corners or give up.

There's wart belive me. The cuts on the wood towards the rear centre of the tank but I consider that something I'll have to live with until some plants hide it. Cheers all.
Thankyou tim, I'm not sure yet, do you have a suggestion, what can you see there?