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One Tree Hills


24 May 2016
So, my Nano Tank is quite stable and no longer occupies my free time, meaning it's time to upgrade! :woot:

I've been planning this tank for about a month now, and I probably have at least couple of months before I actually start doing anything in the tank...

I've made my mind (mostly) on the plants... and am still unsure about it's inhabitants.

The Inspiration
I'll have to adapt it a bit, since my tank is wider... but this video is what inspired me:

The Goods
  • Tank - Do!Aqua Cube Glass - 60 x 30 x 36cm
  • Substrate:
    • ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia 9L
    • ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia Powder 3L
    • Natural sand 1Kg (I'll probably need more)
  • Substrate fertilizer - Dennerle Deponit Balls
  • Hardscape
    • Mini Landscape Rock 3Kg (still waiting for more)
    • Manzanita Wood Tree
    • Driftwood Tree
  • Filter
    • EHEIM Classic 250
    • EHEIM BioMech
    • EHEIM Mech Pro
    • EHEIM Substrat Pro
    • Hinterfeld Glass Skimmer inflow
    • VIV Glass outflow
    • DIY clear PVC spray bar (not sure if I need it yet)
  • Heater - Inline 300W
  • CO2 System
    • Sodastream
    • Inline bubble counter
    • UP inline atomizer
  • Light - Chihiros A-Series 601
  • Water fertilizers - EI using dry salts

The Plants
  • Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo'
  • Eleocharis Parvula
  • Java Moss (for the tree)
  • Staurogyne Repens (still not sure about this one)
I already got them all and, since I have some time, I am currently trying to grow more in a propagator. I got the idea from @Andy Thurston's post 'Andys HC propagator step by step'. I'll post some pics whenever I have some time.

The Inhabitants
Didn't think much about it... probably some Red Cherry Shrimps and a couple of Zebra Nerite Snails to clean up. And then some Neon or Ember Tetras, or Chilli Rasboras, or Guppies... basically something small and colorful (I'm open to suggestions).
Hi, nice project but be aware that this style of scape is a real nightmare to take care of...I've done this one for a friend in january:


Since that pic, we removed the hc carpet and replaced by a sand beach because it was too much work...moss is growing like crazy and needs a trim every too week otherwise there's not enough light under the bonzai.
Good luck! 🙂
Good luck for your new tank! For inhabitants I would suggest "um alentejano a dormir debaixo do chaparro!!!":lol::lol::lol: (sorry guys... that's a really hard one to translate!)
Hi, nice project but be aware that this style of scape is a real nightmare to take care of...I've done this one for a friend in january:


Since that pic, we removed the hc carpet and replaced by a sand beach because it was too much work...moss is growing like crazy and needs a trim every too week otherwise there's not enough light under the bonzai.
Good luck! 🙂
Wow! That tree looks amazing! Did you attach the moss directly to the tree?
Well, the idea is to have a tank that needs a bit more regular work than my Nano tank... all I have to do is to cut a couple of stem plants once or twice a month, it's boring... :lol:


Good luck for your new tank! For inhabitants I would suggest "um alentejano a dormir debaixo do chaparro!!!":lol::lol::lol: (sorry guys... that's a really hard one to translate!)
I'll try to find a sleeping "Zé Povinho" to put under the tree! :lol::lol:
"Wow! That tree looks amazing! Did you attach the moss directly to the tree?"

Hi, yeah some moss was glued on the tree and then it has grown crazy, make sure to choose a moss that attach itself well to Wood 😉
"Wow! That tree looks amazing! Did you attach the moss directly to the tree?"

Hi, yeah some moss was glued on the tree and then it has grown crazy, make sure to choose a moss that attach itself well to Wood 😉

Does christmas or weeping moss attach well?
"Wow! That tree looks amazing! Did you attach the moss directly to the tree?"

Hi, yeah some moss was glued on the tree and then it has grown crazy, make sure to choose a moss that attach itself well to Wood 😉
I did my research before deciding on which to get. Java moss was the final choice.

Does christmas or weeping moss attach well?
Do some research around the forum, there are a couple of threads saying which types of moss attach to ornaments or not.
Looking forward to seeing your scape come to life now 🙂
So am I! :lol:
I still have to wait for a couple of weeks to move to the new house... and then I can finally start playing around!

Super growth in your propagator - though your gonna have to share you know!
This propagator does wonders for something that costs around £12! 😱 It will pay for itself in no time.
I'm thinking about getting another one to start "sharing" (for a small fee)! :twisted: :lol:

In the meantime, I'm giving it a go on @jsiegmund 's DIY project 'Subsmerged', hoping to remove the need for the Seneye on this tank.
These propagators are awesome. Btw you can use top soil (make sure it's been aged a little to cycle it) and plants grow fine. I always keep stauro and AR mini in backup with these, among others.