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open topped tanks - advice needed please

aaronnorth said:
what happens if something gets into the tank like air freshners, dust etc. aret you ever worried about it?

never had problems in any way shape or form. surface movement keeps those problems to a minimum
Never had any problems with mine and its been running since 2003 only problem I get is evaporation about 30l a week on a hot week !!!!!!!
They are Mercury Vapours, but yeah could be down too that as well !!!!!!!! Although when I had my 5x2x2 in the dining room that was open topped as well and I was always topping the sump up !!!!!
I have an open top in my room and the only problem i get is evaporation, on a 60l it works out around 1 or 2l a week.

I have spray deoderant and havent had a problem but assume the obvious...that the closer you use it the more likely damage is going to happen...answer to this...face the other way and make sure the room is ventilated in some way.

Thanks, Howard
I have open top tanks in 2 rooms, my wife used to use spray air fresheners in the dining room (where one is situated) and we had no problems. However to err on the safe side these have been removed and 'solid' air fresheners are now used.
erm...on top of my previous post about having no problems with open tops...

im just doing maintenance...water changes...trimming etc... on my tank and i have just found a dried out otocinclus on the floor next to the filter. :cry:

So err.. maybe the plastic top might be a good idea after all.

Howard 🙁
I have a sheet of perspex (cut to size with gaps for pipes & equipment) which goes over the tank in the dining room to prevent my parrot getting into the tank, however, I don't like to keep it on as I feel it may have an effect on the light getting through after scratches appear & dust, etc settles on it. So it only goes on for the time that he is out, I'm probably only being paranoid but I have also thought about building a a perspex cover that would encasethe top of the tank & the light unit.

howardish said:
im just doing maintenance...water changes...trimming etc... on my tank and i have just found a dried out otocinclus on the floor next to the filter. :cry:
Howard 🙁

On that note, I found a few fish dried out the other day but this was after a major rip out of plants, I can only think that the decided to take refuge in some of the ripped out plants and came out of the tank with them. With the water level low enough, it's the only way I can think they got out.
altaaffe said:
I have also thought about building a a perspex cover that would encasethe top of the tank & the light unit.

This is my dream, it would be the perfect place to grow orchids 🙂 One day when I have the money... i,e. have finished my perpetual studenthood, bought a house, started a pension and all the other sensible things I need to do first! 🙄
I'm a bit fussy about spraying things and don't use them if possible. If you can smell them then it's going into your lungs which can't be good for you. My inlaws insist on using Raid when a fly enters the room, I usually find an excuse to go out!Spraying chemicals into the air because it smells nice doesn't seem right to me either.

I usually get a seat on the train on my own as well..... :lol:
beeky said:
I'm a bit fussy about spraying things and don't use them if possible. If you can smell them then it's going into your lungs which can't be good for you. My inlaws insist on using Raid when a fly enters the room, I usually find an excuse to go out!Spraying chemicals into the air because it smells nice doesn't seem right to me either.

I couldn't agree more. Its almost like many people are looking for an excuse to squirt chemicals all over the place.

When my housemate polishes his room it reeks so bad that I leave the house for an hour or so. Then he laughs at me when I just use a damp cloth instead 🙄
Themuleous said:
have you looked at just what's in shower gel?
The same as in bubble bath, which you get 4 times as much for half the price 😉

But seriously, I don't understand the need to use air fresheners, I prefer to open a window... and then you let the beasties in to lay eggs in you tank 😉
Us non-smelly people are just lucky I guess. Hehehe. 😉

I've always fancied an open top tank. Hope you go ahead with it Aaron. 🙂