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Photos of your tanks from around the UK

spaldingaquatics said:
awww why does george have to live in Lincolnshire, how am I suppose to compete with him

I think Lincolnshire should have it's own section seeing as there are so many of us. lol

I'll try and sort out a couple of decent pics of mine for you Dan. Although I know there are some other guys in Notts who might have some better tanks and pics.
George Farmer said:
You can use my older 'scapes as Cambridgeshire, as I moved in May last year.
Now the rest of you Lincolnshire folks need to get me some pic, first one received get in......... 😉
Dacious said:
I live in Middlesex would that help??
Certainly, get your photo over......
Dan Crawford said:
It's not really a matter of competing, more, first come first serve. 😉
Nah, I think you should pick the best from the region if you want to show case them.

Or pick to get a nice mix of 'scapes/colours so that the final map looks good.

How are you going to do it, are you going to have a mini tank in each county or are you going to crop the images to be the shape of the counties and jigsaw them all together. If you did the latter you could pick specimen plant photos for the counties whose shapes are less well suited to full tank shots... just a thought.
Where does London fall under? can never get my head around counties!!! or is it Greater London?
London is an awkward one. I'm in Bexley which has a Kent postal address and post code but is officially part of Greater London.

Well if you londoners want to send me your photos along with your thoughts about where they should go then i'm sure we can come up with somthing 😉
Hi Dan,

If there are any images of our stuff that you fancy just let us know which and we will get them to you.