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Pico Pond (and everything else!)


Committee Member
5 Sep 2016
Hey guys!

Whilst my new scape is settling in I'm attempting a completely experimental project. I'm making a tiny 'pond' indoors.

I'm not heavily investing in it in terms of equipment, I just want to see what happens and maybe if I'd be interested in doing a proper setup with a shallow boy.

It's a tiny volume, less than 2 litres and even less water. I'm relying entirely on sunlight to power this engine and using 100% rainwater. I'm also reusing old aquasoil from my last scape.


Star Grass
Terrestrial Moss
Hydrocotyle Verticillata
Utricularia Graminifolia

Let's see how it goes! Looks pretty muddy right now but it'll settle and I'll change some water.

Little update:

  • I trimmed away a lot of the dead matter to allow for new growth to come through.
  • There's a TINY bit of growth on the Hydrocotyle Verticillata, emerging on the left hand side.
  • The UG hasn't died but hasn't grown either, although the fronds are perkier. If does die maybe I'll try with Monte Carlo but I was hoping for some pink flowers.
  • Considering putting a lamp over it as it dawned on me that the daylight provided by spring time is ultimately dictating whether or not the grass will grow. So a dedicated light will probably encourage faster growth. But as I said this is an experiment so I don't want to invest too much just yet.

Hi all,
Considering putting a lamp over it as it dawned on me that the daylight provided by spring time is ultimately dictating whether or not the grass will grow.
My guess would be that there is plenty enough light. The grass looks like Poa annua.

The moss looks a bit dry, I might try a cover? (cling film) or possibly add a bit more water?

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

My guess would be that there is plenty enough light. The grass looks like Poa annua.

The moss looks a bit dry, I might try a cover? (cling film) or possibly add a bit more water?

cheers Darrel

Ok that suits me just fine haha.

The grass was labelled Dichromena Colorata (White Star Grass) but I'm not well versed in pond plants tbh.

Do you think the cling film would provide some needed humidity?

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Hi all,

I do. You just need the top tuft of moss to look less dry.

That would be very nice.
It is a Sedge relative (Cyperaceae), so definitely not what is growing at the moment (which is a true grass Poaceae).

cheers Darrel

Thanks for the advice about the cling film Darrell. It's obviously all slow growing but there's immediately been a difference. Moss is looking more moist, more of the Hydrocotyle is emerging and the UG has greened up!


The UG isn't vivid green but it is green still and it's growing! Amazingly the plants appear to be 'pearling' during the daylight and there's lots of little critters in there. It's tiny but an ecosystem appears to have formed. The water is also crystal clear even though I only do top offs.
Hard to believe it's been 2 months since last time.

After following @Geoffrey Rea shallow tank journal I'm tempted to take the UG out and grow it emersed. I only use rainwater in this little experiment so it gets lots of micro foods so I'd probably go the same route.

That pond plant seems to be a total let down, albeit this not a pond haha.

The Pico Pond has turned into a bit of a swamp but the plants are still growing. The Lindernia Rotundifolia and the Hydrocotyle Verticillata have actually started to flower.

I may upgrade this down the line but I'm quite enjoying watching it do its own thing. I just add a cup of rainwater when the water gets low.

Yesterday I gave the Pico Pond an upgrade! The old one is still in place but I put the new one together, largely inspired by Chris (Shrimpery).

This is will be an interesting experiment to see what plants thrive and die. The container is very very shallow yet holds more water than the cylindrical one I used before.

I'm using rainwater only and I don't know yet whether I'll need to do water changes or just top ups. That remains to be seen...

The hardscape is black lava rock and Manzanita wood (YES, I'm obsessed with Manzanita). I realised that only ONE of my builds in the last 6 months didn't feature Manzanita wood lol. The substrate is Tropica Soil Powder and the foreground is Hugo Kamishi Natural with some Rio Xingu for textural differences.

Plants include;
Red Root Floaters, Imperata Cylindrica 'Red Baron', Rhyncospora Colorata, Eleocharis Acicularis, Oenanthe Japonica 'Flamingo', Hydrocotyle Verticillata, Hydrocotyle Tripartita, Hemianthus Calltrichoides 'Cuba', Ludwigia Super Red, Rotala Blood Red, Lindernia Rotundifolia and will add some Duckweed when I can find some.

I also simultaneously set up a bigger version in my garden as I had a lot of spare materials since this is so small. It has a few different plant species.
Nice!! I like how you have a mini version indoors! Will be watching very closely to see how Imperata Cylindrica performs in water. I was going to use it around my ponds as it has the look of a plant which might grow in a wetland. Now I see you using it in water🙌
Nice!! I like how you have a mini version indoors! Will be watching very closely to see how Imperata Cylindrica performs in water. I was going to use it around my ponds as it has the look of a plant which might grow in a wetland. Now I see you using it in water🙌
Thank you! Having the mini one indoors is great for when the weather is bad.😅

It's my understanding that Imperata Cylindrica does pretty well in water as long as it's not submerged too deeply, but I will keep you posted! I think it would look amazing in your garden.

Just an update on the Pico Pond II

Everything is growing really well, especially as it's only been 6 weeks. This was a very inexpensive build (with the exception of the lights). I really recommend it to anyone who wants a slice of nature in their home without the need for a filter!