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Plant ID please


19 Feb 2008
worksop, nottinghamshire


if anyone has an ID on the plant in the front left corner that would be great. I loved that plant, i think it was an echinodorous sp. only staying at around 6-8" in height.
TLH said:
Is it a plain ol' Amazon Sword?

i dont think so, because it never got any higher than that :?: And i have kept swords before, even at the same time i think and they were totally different in leaf shape. The leaves on this plant were longer.


EDIT: here, hopefully you can see the difference (amazon swords in the back centre)
edit again... better add the link lol
Looks a little like a Narrow leaf amazon sword. I bought a few of these from Greenline just before they went under. The name in their catalogue is ECHINODORUS BREVIPEDICELLATUS. Mine never grew much higher than yours... until I put it into a tank with t5 lights and high co2. Reaches for the surface every time now.

dsandson said:
Looks a little like a Narrow leaf amazon sword. I bought a few of these from Greenline just before they went under. The name in their catalogue is ECHINODORUS BREVIPEDICELLATUS. Mine never grew much higher than yours... until I put it into a tank with t5 lights and high co2. Reaches for the surface every time now.


thanks, i keep a look out for it.
I can't even vaguely tell from the picture what sword it is.

but! if you want a narrow leaved sword then add 'echinodorus schlueteri' to your list of possibilites. I have one and it has very thin slender leaves (12" long 1" wide). If you google it you will see wider leaves, either there are a few varieties, or (more likely) they are showing it in its emersed form.