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Plant ID

i'm finding hard to tell. is above water growth? or has it been in a tank and taken on this look? A single species has 2 different looks...above and below water appearance.
Mark Evans said:
i'm finding hard to tell. is above water growth? or has it been in a tank and taken on this look? A single species has 2 different looks...above and below water appearance.

Its been in a tank and taken on this look.
mmm...still tough. It looks like an over streched 'parva' but the stalks are too long.

wendetii green springs to mind, an imature subject maybe.
actually, how much was under the substrate? The whiter bit's i'm guessing were buried? ...in which case it could be parava. Any chance of putting something next to it get a relative size?
Yeh the white bits were under the substrate mate, its the same size as a normal sized pen.

I'm placing bets on 'parva'

The only thing that might go against parva, is the lack of 'spade' like leaves, but could be a transitional thing.
X willisii
I've got loads all look like yours