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Pogostemmon Stellatus


15 Mar 2016
Hong Kong
I have a heavily planted tank and am keen to grow a forest of pogostemmon stellatus. However I hate the fact that when I cut off the top it grows sideshoots and ends up looking like a multi-headed hydra. Also the original stem never looks as good and becomes a less an unhappy looking trunk supporting the new growth.

Does anyone have any recommendations for how to keep this plant looking nice? I see a video of someone trimming a nice forest here but am not surehow often he has to replant them.
Then cut it closer to the substrate.. :) And replant the top, it will grow new shoots close to the substrate. I guess that's 1 option you have if you don't want it to see the split and branching if you cut the stem inches above the substrate. Or replant the tops in front again hiding the cut branch behind it that's the other option. I guess that's all you have..

I have the broadleaf version and the erectus in my tank now.. It's a non co2 tank rather in the mid to low range light.. And also see these plants tend to lose the lower leaves.. I'm not yet at a point to show anything impressive after 3 months it dosn't realy grow this fast in these conditions.. But i guess if you have a nice forest the plants in the middle probably also lose their lower leaves if blocked from the light.

It's a nice video, nice healty plants :) but it could be just me, i don't realy see the point of it and what the filmer wants to show or say. (?)