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Possibly a stupid question


30 Jan 2013
Hi, I was wondering when calculating lighting, filtration, ect, do you work it out on the volume of the empty tank or do you work it out by measuring the actual amount of water when hardscape, ect is added?

As a general rule, use the volume of the empty tank. Of course this isn't always best as tanks differ in size and shape.
Hello. You will find that most use over filtration . Meaning a larger turn over of ltrs per hour that recomended when using external filters. I have 220 ltr cube and my filter is suitable for twice that.I was also using a fluval 2 in the tank to increase flow. You can always slow flow down by adding extra media/fine foams to the filter if its a bit fast. So I would calculate on an empty tank then buy the next size up. If I'm adding fertilizer to my 220 I probably under dose as I dose for 180ltrs of water as I have a lot of gravel and wood.:). I am not the person to comment on light calculation. What set up/tank do you have. A bit of info and someones bound to help you there a good bunch on here :)
Hello. You will find that most use over filtration . Meaning a larger turn over of ltrs per hour that recomended when using external filters. I have 220 ltr cube and my filter is suitable for twice that.I was also using a fluval 2 in the tank to increase flow. You can always slow flow down by adding extra media/fine foams to the filter if its a bit fast. So I would calculate on an empty tank then buy the next size up. If I'm adding fertilizer to my 220 I probably under dose as I dose for 180ltrs of water as I have a lot of gravel and wood.:). I am not the person to comment on light calculation. What set up/tank do you have. A bit of info and someones bound to help you there a good bunch on here :)
Hi, i have an aquaone 620t, which is an odd shaped tank and is 130 litres, i have an eheim ecopro200? which is rated at 600l per hour, tank has 2 pl18w tubes as standard, been building up the stufff i need to start, was going to start a journal, but it would be a very slow journal lol