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Post Holiday Revamp


17 Sep 2007
This is my first journal - and feeling a bit embarrassed by my efforts - so be kind, but I'm up for learning as much as I can!

60L Dennerle
Eheim Ecco 300
Ada Amazonia & powersand
2 x superfish 11 watt lamps
Colombo flora grow nano co2 (although I've broken all the glassware :( )

Echinodorus tenellus
Pogostemon erectus (I think)
Rotala rotundifolia
Cryptocoryne parva
Aponogeton red (or it was when I brought it :shh: )

6 pseudomugil furcatus
3 otos
2 amano shrimp

This is how the the tank looked about 6 months ago.


I was pretty happy with it especially as it was my first ever attempt at scaping. However whilst i dared take a holiday, the peacock gobies i had back then decided to rip the carpet up and the echinodorus tenellus took over everything as did the java moss which I didn't even know I had in there!

So I spent what felt like days trying to remove the moss from every rock bar one and ripped everything else out, added a little beach and had a play. This is the result:


I'll remove the dividers once the HC is more settled.

Lights are on 8 hours a day with a 2 hour siesta; Co2 is at 2bps (i broke my drop checker so waiting on a new one - me and glassware do not mix!). Dosing 4ml easycarbo and 5ml tpn+ every day.

Oh and please excuse the poor image quality - I think photobucket compressed the life out of them - I haven't quite figure out if I can resize images on an iPad yet; equally you may have to excuse and play spot the 'damn you auto-correct' moments! :lol:

Thanks for reading!
Hi there,
looking really nice and natural with the addition of the gravel pieces amongst the soil substrate. It will look great when the plants have filled in. :thumbup:
4ml easy carbo a day seems high on a 60l tho, if its anything like flourish excel that amount would do 180l! :wideyed:
The HC looks rampant in the first pic. :clap: Bet you were pi**ed when you got back off your hols to find it uprooted. Are the Gobies still residents or have they been evicted? :lol:

4ml Easycarbo in a 60l suprised it hasn`t melted the glass! :lol:
Ady34 said:
looking really nice and natural with the addition of the gravel pieces amongst the soil substrate. It will look great when the plants have filled in. :thumbup:

Thanks ady I'd like to take credit for the gravel pieces but they are in fact are just the power sand that got ripped up when taking out the c. Parva and e. tennelus :oops: Boy those things have roots! I quite like it though and it'll save me an evening picking them out with tweezers!

Quetzalcoatl said:
The HC looks rampant in the first pic. :clap: Bet you were pi**ed when you got back off your hols to find it uprooted. Are the Gobies still residents or have they been evicted? :lol:

I think the fishies learnt some new words that day! Sadly the female evicted herself and jumped - the male was a bit of a brute :( male got sent back to the shop after that as he started terrorising the shrimp. Gutted I didn't try and raise the fry they produced though.

Quetzalcoatl said:
4ml Easycarbo in a 60l suprised it hasn`t melted the glass! :lol:
Ady34 said:
4ml easy carbo a day seems high on a 60l tho, if its anything like flourish excel that amount would do 180l

Really? :oops: I must have misread the instructions...pleased to say the glass seems to be holding up still! Phew! What would be a more appropriate measure?
worwood said:
Really? I must have misread the instructions...pleased to say the glass seems to be holding up still! Phew! What would be a more appropriate measure?

Hi there,
looking at the specs Id say 1.5ml per day on 60l..... up to 2.5ml if heavily planted. Maybe you can get away with overdosing but i think 4ml daily is a little too much.

worwood said:
Thanks ady I'd like to take credit for the gravel pieces but they are in fact are just the power sand that got ripped up when taking out the c. Parva and e. tennelus Boy those things have roots! I quite like it though and it'll save me an evening picking them out with tweezers!

Ahh, every cloud has a silver lining, the powersand pieces look good and id leave them too.... soon youll have a carpet covering them anyway! ;)