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Pump Dispensing Bottles?

Gary Nelson

20 Jan 2011
Does anyone know where I could purchase some clear plastic pump dispensing bottles from - ideally 500ml ones, similar to the ADA style. I cant seem to find any on eBay :(

Similar to the ones in the below thread would be perfect.
http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... 4&start=10
Sonnyarba said:
Here you go my friend:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/empty-PET-pump- ... 500wt_1287

I just received 6 of them yesterday, and my feedback for the seller is the best possible: the package travelled to Croatia for around 3 weeks (with the accent on "Croatia") :D

Cheers :wave:

They are perfect! just what I am looking for, although they are in China :( ... wanted a UK supplier really if possible.
viper3770 said:
Sonnyarba said:
Here you go my friend:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/empty-PET-pump- ... 500wt_1287

I just received 6 of them yesterday, and my feedback for the seller is the best possible: the package travelled to Croatia for around 3 weeks (with the accent on "Croatia") :D

Cheers :wave:

They are perfect! just what I am looking for, although they are in China :( ... wanted a UK supplier really if possible.

Viper I bought these, came in about a week to uk mate, had to pay £2 customs charge though