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Quotes from yesteryear.

John q

6 Jan 2021
So ukaps has been around for a while, and if like me you've read numerous threads you'll have picked up on some oddball phrases, statements.... don't particularly want the context, but feel free to add if you want.
I'll start you with this gem...

It is bit like saying "people have umbrellas up and it is raining, therefore raised umbrellas cause rain",
Hi all,
but feel free to add if you want.
I like @ElleDee's "Jam" one.
....... I think you're spot on with the craft vs. art distinction. I was thinking about this topic while driving and had the thought that the judging reminded me of the state/county fair - no one is breaking any new ground in the blackberry jam category, but I expect the winner is very good jam indeed.....
So ukaps has been around for a while, and if like me you've read numerous threads you'll have picked up on some oddball phrases, statements.... don't particularly want the context, but feel free to add if you want.
I'll start you with this gem...
That one might not work any more, its absolutely p*ssing down here this morning, but not an umbrella (or person, it has to be said) in sight. The cat is pretty unhappy with the weather, (or possibly has republican sympathies?) so I'm going to try
If the cat <"bites the hand that feeds it">? It's raining outside.
All I need is a UKAPS thread (and context) to put it in.

cheers Darrel
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All I need is a UKAPS thread (and context) to put it in.
I'd been trying to find a subtle way of bringing your umbrella phrase to light, but couldn't. Hence I started the thread.

Oddball analogies.
The next time you're in a pub, ask the bartender to give you 1 teaspoon of your favorite brew, and then pour that teaspoon full into a 1 liter bottle. Then fill the bottle with water. Then, have a sip. How does this taste? Like water right? Will it make you drunk if you consume the entire bottle? The smart answer is "No", because it was only a teaspoon of beer. OK, try this experiment again, this time asking Jeeves to give you 5 teaspoons of brew. Fill the bottle again and take a swig. How does this taste? Does it still taste like crap? Can that intoxicate you if you consumed that liter?

Plain old ditties that brighten the day.
Either way don’t panic, everything will be fine, ‘cause there’s a poodle in Wandsworth that can tap dance...
Hi all,
subtle way of bringing your umbrella phrase to light, but couldn't
It wasn't originally mine (like all my <"inventions">) it was a colleague when he was trying to explain the pitfalls of correlation to some fairly non-numerate (and disinterested) students. If you want the apogee of selling "snow to the Inuit"? Successfully teaching statistics is it, and I've never managed it.
I'd been trying to find a subtle way of bringing your umbrella phrase to light, but couldn't.
For me Clive's <"Pump in a bucket"> is the Don Bradman of analogies, a summit that can never be scaled again.

I'm also really attached to the <"one-legged Irishman">, secret ingredient soup, buffets and <"the groat"> etc, but my personal favourite (of mine) is the "IT meeting scenario" in <"Flow rate.">, partially because, entirely hypothetically, it may have a follow up.

cheers Darrel
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So ukaps has been around for a while, and if like me you've read numerous threads you'll have picked up on some oddball phrases, statements.... don't particularly want the context, but feel free to add if you want.
I'll start you with this gem...

- back to rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.... in a reply to me on fertilizer ratios and lean dosing in one of the long running Lean dosing threads... I have previously attributed this to @dw1305, but I think I actually head it first from @LondonDragon ... (I know its an old saying...).

Clive comparing my water change routine and the use of buckets to pre-Sumerian civilization :lol:

... The one-legged Irish man... @dw1305 ...

There are many more...

I have previously attributed this to @dw1305, but I think I actually head it first from @LondonDragon ... (I know its an old saying...).
Oldest reference I can find on ukaps is Feb 2017. No doubt there's an earlier mention, I just can't find it.
Without doing something like this you are really just "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, before the algae explosion !!".
Hi all,
Re: Deck-chairs
.......... about the idiom, “Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,” which is often used to describe a futile action in the face of impending catastrophe. The phrase was first used in print in 1969, in Time Magazine, in reference to reforms in the Catholic Church........
I like
"which is often used to describe a futile action in the face of impending catastrophe"
Which must summarise most of fish-keeping.

cheers Darrel
Clive in one of his more lighthearted posts.
The tank started life as a Hobbit, living in Shady Vale. Bilbo Baggins was it's name. A few guppies and some Watersprite. A pastoral scene. However it was brutally attacked and mutated by The Borg via transgenic technology. Resistance was futile. The tank now resides far in the Delta Quadrant of Galaxy M51, unfortunately, beyond the reach of The Federation... :arghh:
I like @ElleDee's "Jam" one.
Although not strictly a quote as such the above reminded me of one of the funniest things I've ever read on UKAPS and I think is worth sharing, offered by @dcurzon

'It seems I had an unnoticed diy jelly co2 incident over the weekend, as the diffuser was full of strawberry jelly and everything in the tank was coated....'

Cheers :D
Although not strictly a quote as such the above reminded me of one of the funniest things I've ever read on UKAPS and I think is worth sharing, offered by @dcurzon

'It seems I had an unnoticed diy jelly co2 incident over the weekend, as the diffuser was full of strawberry jelly and everything in the tank was coated....'

Cheers :D
I can't even imagine the context!
Clive @ceg4048 again, this time with his Klingon analogies. referring to problems caused by megawatt lighting. Below is a selection of my favorites...

It may be that you are of Klingon ancestry and that your tank is lit by several megawatts of Atomic powered LED

Useful Klingon phrases:
Where's the toilet? = nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'?
Get well soon. = tugh bIpIvchoHjaj
My hovercraft is full of eels. = lupDujHomwIj luteb gharghmey

That tank looks like it's been hit by particle beam weapon fired from a Klingon Bird of Prey.

Yes this is so far off you'll need a Klingon Bird of Prey travelling at maximum warp just to find it.

Yes, Klingon long range Infrared Tactical Sensors indicate Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) for precipitation at your Northern Sector to be 8 hours, followed by clearing. The severe activity you recently experienced is on it's way to Latvia, Norway and Germany. You may deploy your expeditionary forces during this window of opportunity. Q'apla!!
Farts, turds and an old fat man...

Not sure you will get anything near +-0.005pH in a tank with ANY electrical equipment connected as 0.005pH is a change of 0.3mV which is equivalent to "a fish fart at 10cm" in electrical terms. :rolleyes:.

Nope,,if the masses of folks that have inspired me thus far, as evidenced by their success, told me I needed to stand on one leg, while wearing a dog turd on my upper lip, and tossing fertz into my tank over my shoulder,to acheive similar results... Well I hope it's a small dog.

Sorry for the delayed reply. Sat in the dark having a beer in the middle of the night, about to reply to you and had an intruder in the house! 😡

Old fat man, said he was here to judge my kids!!! Well mate, Mr Judgy had a face wash in the 1200. Spirited for an ol’ man, thrashing around as he got water boarded. Quite the struggle. Think he splashed water on one of the RGB’s, hopefully it still works. Find out at lights on I guess.

Wrapped the body in the kids playskool mat and went out to the car. Bloomin’ deer outside! One had a red nose on him! Might have been a comic relief thing 🤷🏻‍♂️ Dunno…