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Reditus (return)

What is the plant in this image? It looks like a miniature Subwassertang?

What is the plant in this image? It looks like a miniature Subwassertang?
Its supposedly a smaller form of coral moss (Riccardia Chamedryfolia), the seller sold it as micro coral moss, no latin name. Its very tiny and dense, grows very slow.
Its supposedly a smaller form of coral moss (Riccardia Chamedryfolia), the seller sold it as micro coral moss, no latin name. Its very tiny and dense, grows very slow.
I like the look of it. A quick google suggests that it will self attach to hardscape too. I might get a bit to try out.

Do you know it the cuttings float or sink when it's trimmed?
I like the look of it. A quick google suggests that it will self attach to hardscape too. I might get a bit to try out.

Do you know it the cuttings float or sink when it's trimmed?
Sorry, I dont know, I got it in a bag and attached it with a tiny bit of glue to the rock, it was so tiny and fragile I hardly dared to rinse as I was afraid I'd lose it, and its growing so slow that I havent trimmed yet.
I love stuff like this. Apparently a few leaves of monte carlo entered the tank at some stage. I didnt notice, but it found hold on some wood right at the surface. I hope it will survive there, but its already sprouting new leaves so thats a good sign :)
Nice :) I think I saw some growing on the ponds' edge as well, probably from when I tossed the marseilea in there.

Went out to the fishstore and got some stock today, 3 oto's, 4 amano shrimp and 7 pygmea cory's. They had Habrosus as well, but for some reason I just fell in love with these guys. If all goes well I'll probably add blue shrimp, a pair of dario dario and 12 brigitea or something similar in a few weeks.
The cleanup crew and the messy crew :) Oto's are a bit skinny I feel, so getting some courgette for tonight and giving a slice of cucumber right away. They didnt care for the algae wafer yet.


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Livestock doing well this far, had a minor incident today with spilling some food (double usual dose), hoping it wont lead to algae bloom as I normally only feed twice or so per week. Also got a small eheim skimmer as there has been some scum on the surface regularly that prevented good gas exchange. Its on a timer that turns on 30 mins in the morning before lights on, and 30 mins late at night, on minimum setting. I will probably get a few more pygmeas, 3 or 4, and the 12 rasbora's, soonish, perhaps coming weekend. Together with a pair of dario dario and a platy that completes the stock for this tank.
. . . had a minor incident today with spilling some food (double usual dose), hoping it wont lead to algae bloom as I normally only feed twice or so per week.
I doubt it will lead to an algal bloom - I feed my fish daily without fail, and without any algae related issues.
Added a few new inhabitants: 10 embers, 3 more pygmeus (making the total 10) and 1 guppy (picked by the youngest, but I actually really like his colours). Also got a few taiwan bee shrimp in there, 3 to start, might get more if they do well. All thats left is a pair of dario's in a month or so if all keeps going well. Gave some plants a cutting back, removed a few bits that looked like bba was forming on the old moss, still some diatoms on the rock and sand here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. The tank now feels like its properly alive. The cory's by themselves were kind of shy, but the adition of the other fish (or perhaps 3 more of their own) has made them bolder and more relaxed. The fish readily show themselves, plants look healthy, this is the relax and watch part of aquascaping. I know it wont last forever, thats why we gotta enjoy it while it lasts :) Pics are right after feeding some live food, so if you spot some leftover tubifex you know why ;) Cory's are making short work of them.

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Side shot after maintenance last night:) Spot dosed some suspected bba spots with easycarbo, cleaned some diatoms of main rocks, gave some plants a little trimming and first rinse of cannister spunges and cleaning of the tubes etc. New fish seem happy, the bba gives me mild concern.
Discovered some melt on the pearl weed, adjusted flow as a measure. Going to trim the ludwigia next Monday. I really should get a camera considering how many shitty pics I take with this phone :) any tips?
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Fissidens miroshaki seems to be recovering, at least a large part. Fissidens fox, which i thought had been fully eaten by my Siamese in the other tank is also regrowing. And the tiny coral moss is slowly growing :) Sorry for the shitty pics but little time and had to zoom in with unsteady hands :)
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Nothing new to report. I think I might have lost 2 pygmea's because I only counted 8 last night during maintenance, but its quite possible they are hiding somewhere in the dense plantmass. They are being fed with defrosted micro cyclops and granules and the ones I see dont seem skinny. Everything else seems to be doing fine. BBA seems to have receded after spot dosing, minimal green algae and minimal diatoms. Upped ferts a little as my floaters were becoming smaller and smaller (while still becoming more numerous).
The MC above the water doing well still :)

Maintenance shot
Side view
Taiwan bee foraging


Frontal/side shot

Looking over the beach :)
Will try to post a few pics tonight, but as for how things are going:
On the one hand, plants growing great, no algae worth mentioning, did a good trimming of some plants. Shrimp seem happy and all accounted for, almost everything seems to be going great. Replaced the first co2 bottle since I started this tank. But....
The other hand is that the pygmies are not doing well. I dont know why, but I lost a third one (missing) and found a fourth one dead just now. The one I pulled out seemed to have an internal bleeding on one side. So I have 6 remaining now out of the original 10. Foodwise they should be getting the right food (sinking pellets, defrosted micro cyclops), but I cant tell if they are getting enough as the embers, amano and guppy are always on top of any food, even food that I put on the sand directly for the cory's. I dont see them often, usually right before lights out they swim around as a group foraging, and when they do they seem happy, but they are still disappearing. Perhaps I should just accept this fish isnt for me, as this same thing happened when I had them years ago. The embers have gotten a bit fat because I try to ensure the cory's get enough food. Its a shame, because they are so adorable. Maybe I will try again once the larger tank is set up, and leave that tank maturing a lot longer before I add them.
The otto's on the other hand seem to be doing well, loving the weekly courgette slices :)
Side shot:

Attempted closeup of the embers, realising all thats in focus is the anubias instead
Hairgras that will need a haircut at some stage, but I am somehow afraid to.
Looking really nice @Wolf6 - just hack that grass back - it should grow denser as a result.

FWIW I lost a few Pygmies when I got my batch in my old scape. But the rest have been really resilient. They are incredibly shy though. Even though they are now in my low tech tank which is very dimly lit, and covered in Frogbit, they are still very nervous - shooting off into the undergrowth at the first sight of movement, even with the bold Endlers giving them a little more confidence.

My Salt and Pepper Cory’s in my high tech on the other hand appear completely oblivious to even my 4 year old pressing her face against the tank and jumping up and down in excitement!
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