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Reusing Amazonia wet


29 Aug 2010
Thinking of a complete rescape on my 200l tank which has a good depth of Amazonia 5" at the back to 3" front perhaps too much in retrospect. Been set up about three years.

Want to try and avoid a complete strip down, rescape and replant and convert back from low Tec to injecting CO2, weekly ferts, water change and increased light from the 4 T5's (one hour all on otherwise just two running) from 5 hours/day to 6-8 hours.

I've read some people seive/dry the Amazonia and reuse but don't want the hassel. Any tips?

One other thing would Cherry Shrimp coexist with about 15 large Amarno shrimp?

Thanks all
Not sure of the benefits of drying it out before reusing other than making it easier to handle but I've reused my Amazonia Aquasoil twice now and both times left it wet. I pushed it all to one corner to get the last bits of water out then rescaped with it.

I'm sure it would make things easier if it was all dried out first but I've had no issues reusing it wet.
Drying is mainly done to separate the dust with sieve.It is not necessary I ve used it wet after being wet in a bag for 4 years still clear water eventually and plants grow in it too
Regards Konsa
It took about 20 min to rince it off the fish poo and most dust under running water without too much vigorously stirring before putting it in and a week to clear out once in tank with floss in the new filters and large waterchanges daily.It depends on how U handle it as will be soft and crumbling.
I only used it in two small tanks so about 8 liters all of it.
Regards Konsa
Hi all

Drying it is for getting rid of organic matter (as it happens for example in rice paddies that combine wet and dry phases). However, IME a good rinse is more than enough to get rid of fish poo and plant debris if you want to reuse it immediately, with the added benefit of keeping good bacteria. Take into account that your Amazonia volume will probably decrease as part of the original material will be converted in dust and will go down the drain... but personally I recycle all the clay-based substrate I can. It is quite expensive and works perfectly fine combined with new one if needed
