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Critique my hardscape Revised drafts v2 (pics)


18 Jan 2016
Hi, would welcome thoughts on early draft options for a new hardscape for 90cm tank. Ignore the stone, im trying to find the right arrangment for the 3 pieces of wood i have. There are options for central island, 2 islands, and triangles going left or right. This is a short list after an hour fannying about.








If you are only at the designing stage a Mock Tank is the best way to go, one big advantage is you are working from the front of the Aquascape not in a glass tank with heavy DW and rocks. The substrate can be common sand or even garden soil.

I've a 90cm I play with so easy enough to imagine where the tank lies

One is my favourite - the stump cuts showing always distracts me, though it's easy enough to obfuscate that feature

Four is grand but wouldn't fit in my 90cm tank - I can't envision where the roots extensions will fit within tank dimensions
They are nice tanks! Really restrained. I tend to be a bit more throw the kitchen sink at it...

Mine will be low tech, so getting that tight, dense growth will be hard too.

You are right about 4, it may not quite fit. Am going to make a mock tank to Test things.

You would be surprised how many set up every thing in the tank then post it. When its done in a mock tank you can make several hard scapes take a few photos post them then start perfecting your hard scape long before it goes into your tank.
Another little trick is set it up and leave it alone for a few days then come back with a fresh approach.

I took @Keith GH advice and had a morning project with the kids building a mock tank. They like power tools!

I have to say it makes a massive difference having an accurate space to try things in, so thanks for the prod.

Have done some more experiments with the wood layout.

1. Quite like the way this gives a diagonal line right across the tank:

2. I like the symmetry in this ...


3. I probably like this best, it's the same as 2, but i've raised the centre up a lot higher. The rocks have been placed without much thought so far.

I took @Keith GH advice and had a morning project with the kids building a mock tank. They like power tools!
I have to say it makes a massive difference having an accurate space to try things in, so thanks for the prod.

Smaller Mock Tanks can be made from cardboard boxes.

There is an excellent Aquascaper who works extremely hard and many Hrs using a Mock tank to get every thing to perfection before he starts in his tank. The secret is take plenty of photos to work from.


Just spent more that 15 min doing the edit after posting the photo and it was not posted in fact all deleted

OK start again
The red dot is the centre of your Aquascape and can be greatly improved.
Remove the DW with the red X first (it not a permanent move).
Move every thing to the Left including the idea of the mound this time a little heigher
The red ? remove it and post a separate photo please but leave a space for its very possible return.

Over all you have the making of an excellent Aquascape it requires a little work to improve it.

Keith :wave::wave:

Stones much to be desired in comparison to your well aged and sculptured DW they look totally wrong.

Something like these black ans well sculptured.

A member might have some for sale or tell you where they can be bought (NOT ON LINE)

Thanks @Keith GH I'll give your suggestions a try later. My challenge will be that the wood is three solid pieces, so i may not be able to do what you suggest without breaking/cutting which i'm loathe to do. I'll have a bash and see what happens.

I agree regarding the stone, it's just what i had lying around. I live in an area where there is a lot of stone that i can just find on hillsides etc so will have a look. I really cant't bring myself to pay for hardscape materials, especially stone. My wife thinks i'm nuts already, without buying rocks off the internet!

Thanks again for taking the time.