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Roots to Success


11 Sep 2010
Manchester, UK
Hi, today I pulled down my old scape as it was going nowhere fast.

Decided I would take my time with this so i acquired all the bits and bobs over a couple of weeks.

Substrate - EBI Gold & Unipac Gravel
Plants - Java Fern, needle leaf java fern, S Repens, Ammania sp Bonsai, echinodorus vesuvius, Anubias Nana Golden, Anubias Nana, Bolbitis, Glosso, eleocharis acicularis, Marsilea Hirsuta, Ratola Waachii, Fissidens Fontanus, Christmas Moss

Here is the tank with its new spray bar, and frosted background from TGM.


The tank is complete now but I will post more pictures over the coming days.

Here's a sneak peak.

Thanks all, has a large piece of stone on top at the moment as it decided to float lol.

Here's pre substrate.

Looking good Mike, that's a perfect sized bit of wood for that tank.
Do you also have bolbitis and some anybias at the base there too?
looking forward to updates.
Looking good Mike, that's a perfect sized bit of wood for that tank. Do you also have bolbitis and some anybias at the base there too? looking forward to updates. cheerio, Ady.

Thanks Ady, yes your right i have updated the plant list above i missed a few off 🙂
I can see a nice large rock under that middle branch mike. That would give it a proper NA look.
I've actually put a couple of pieces of dragon stone in Ian, what do you think of this?


Or do you think a bigger piece would look better?
Here's a shot filled, and planted for now.

Would like some suggestions for the spaces you see in the images far left and amongst the rocks. Far right is a the glosso plantlets that you may not be able to see in the photo. Also would welcome some thoughts on stems for the back left.

Excuse the low lighting shot, will take a FTS tomorrow when lights are on.

Looking spot on mate, I wouldn't put anything too tall behind the rocks, as for the rear left, I'd say hygro pinnatifida would blend in great with the java fern and will add a touch of colour amongst the green too.

Thanks mate, cheers for picking the wood out at the shop haha. I only have ammania their at the moment which i can keep control of as it doesnt grow too tall.

Thoughts on anything at the close left? Looks a little blank at the moment.