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rotala blood red is blotchy?


30 Nov 2023
Anyone if this is a shortage or something else?

  • Tank 80x40x40 maybe 100 liters without substrate and hardscape
  • Chihiros WRGB II on 50% for 8 hours, no ramp
  • Oase 600T
  • Substrate:
    • Gravel for hight
    • ADA Amazonia v2
  • CO2 at 10-12 bubbles/sec (aprox. 1.0 -1.2 PH drop to 6.0) with reactor and a measured KH of 2.
  • Planted Box EI kit for fertilizer. 30ml macro, 30ml micro and 30 ml iron per week.
    • NO3 - 25ppm/week
    • PO4 - 2.5ppm/week
    • K - 20ppm/week
    • Fe - 0.5ppm/week
    • Mg - 2ppm/week
    • SO4 - 3ppm/week


For comparison two shots for overall view.


Thanks in advance!
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Rotala are green wen u buy it...
Depending on the lighting and dosing the plants transitions to red.
It becomes red wen it reaches the top but thr bottom part still remains green due to shading
Rotala are green wen u buy it...
Depending on the lighting and dosing the plants transitions to red.
It becomes red wen it reaches the top but thr bottom part still remains green due to shading
These are tops from a previous setup and are now in the 5th or 6th week of the new setup. I started with 3 tops and trimmed them 3 times now. The greenest ones are the oldest of the bunch...
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I think that might be iron (Fe) deficiency, it is only really iron, and manganese (Mn), deficiency that causes pale new leaves.
Hmmm, I'm dosing 0,5 ppm Iron a week. When measured it's around 0,3...
"Mn" should be part of my micro's, isn't it? How's that to be dosed separately?
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red plants require iron and potassium
Funnily enough so do green plants 😀

I'm not entirely convinced adding more iron and potassium alone is a proven way to make red plants redder, unless of course one was under dosing the said nutrients in the first place, then yes, the plants may well appear healthier and more vibrant by producing more chlorophyll and various pigments within the plant.

Anyway to the op apologies for going off track.
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See opening post. I added some info!
Rotala sp can be a temperamental plant for some!
Personally, I have found that cutting back or stopping the dosing routine for 4 weeks can tell you a lot about this plant.
Members have had issues with Potassium affecting Rotala growth patterns.
My take is too much nutrients in the water column for this plant.....it prefers lower nutrient levels.