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Rotala rotundifolia planting advice


19 Nov 2009
Cape Town, South Africa

I got some Rotala R. at the Morden MA a month ago, just a pot to try it on.

The plant changed dramatically, rounded leaves turned to long thin ones and become redder.

I am thinking about cutting it in half height and replanting the extra shoots, doubling the pot I got.

Would this be a good idea? How would I go about it?

The stems started to sprout long roots along them, some roots are over 3cm long, making the plant look messy, especially as it was growing horizontally after reaching the top of the tank.

Don't want to loose the stems I got. :?:

Many thanks.
I generally allow stems a good growth period before I cut and replant them. Just replant the cut off stems in the substrate and they will quickly root. The original planted half should develop two new growth points, making the plants look bushier. Any decent pair of sharp scissors will do the job for you.

Stems can start to grow aerial roots, usually when they are first introduced in my experience. It`s nothing to worry about and they should stop developing soon. Cut them off if they are unsightly.

A little rule saintly uses with Rotundafolia when growing from an emersed form is to make the first cut only when the stems reach the surface. Also, try to cut low on the first cut as this will help start the 'thicket' nice and low so you're doubling the plant and getting a bush effect.

Replant the tops of the submerged form if you want to increase plant mass further and basically repeat.

When you next trim, try to trim above where you last trimmed to double the thicket again..
Many thanks for your advice.

As the stems were trailing on the top of the tank, some stems were almost 50cm long, I have cut them in half, so now I got two sets of 25cm each. Hopefully it will take hold and continue to look amazing.

Thank you.